children:adult remix
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 1020578 bytes
- BPM:
- 155
- Speed:
- 18
- Channels:
- 24
- Song Length:
- 39
- Samples:
- 18
- Instruments:
- 33
- Patterns:
- 26
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 601
- SHA1:
- 0d9fda5799281cc384ab207eade36c37907cd35d
- MD5:
- 40fcc556cf8766dfb9891cfecdf82407
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modland |
children-adult remix.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Raptor/ |
- %advanced%
- %rhythm%
- %technologies%
- A R T
- presents an remix of
- Robert Miles' children
- by raptor
- duration: 4:00
- BPM: 155
- Greetz 2:
- -all whose samples
- I've ripped...
- - all members of art
- - n0y, The Smiler,....
- Yes, I know, there are
- many versions of this
- song yet, but I
- started composing it
- a long time ago and
- just finished today,
- 05.31.97.
- see ya....
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