Basty/TuC presents:
M ..... ..... ..... ..... M
e . . . . . . . a
m . . . . . . . y
b ..... . . . . . . d
e . . . . . . . a
r . . . . . . . y
s ..... ..... . . . .....
..... .. .. ..... ..... .....
. ..... . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
.... . . ..... . ..... ....
. . . . . . .. .
. . . . . . . .
..... . . . . . . .....
IT 2.09+ required (Volume column effects are used)
Remixed from July, 1997, the 12th to the 13th.
Total remixing time was about 1-2 hours (without previous version).
Playing time: 3:53 mins
Channels used (Host/Virtual): 18/17
Style: Trance
Samples: TFS, DJ Tonix, Animal, Members Of Mayday and MoLK.
Heyho to all da Sonic Empire/Members Of Mayday lovers. This is the 2nd
remix. Here is a cool remix that sounds very closely (at least in the
first 3 minutes) to the original. Sorry, this time no NNAs, because they
went totally useless after the changes I made (I saved even 2 channels).
The first one was a little bit different. This is for all who want
an 1:1 conversion (or at least one). I like the previous also so I decided
to release this one as a extra song, because others might think so
also or even find it better. This one is now exactly in play time length
as the original. I used the BRAVO HITS 17 version. NOTE: I was unable to
do an 1:1 version before, because I didn't had the required samplez. All
attempts to cut off the MoM-String ended in a cracking between the loop
points. Even the tuning in IT didn't help (with the + / - keys) So the
new version was born. But, nevertheless the low string I used in the
previous one was GREAT, I found it even in some ways a little bit better.
But Plasmatic was quite disappointed about the previous version (the main
reason for this one) and he gave me an small IT with the correct samplez
and NOTEz, of cause, I saw these and so it was too late. So it isn't
really 1oo% by me, but believe me, I could do it if he would just give me
only the samplez. So you should take a look at the patterns, how I did
that ! Isn't that great ? I entered the whole notes except in two cases.
Also I added my own rave beat into it (you surely noticed it). BTW: Can
someone tell me if the Members Of Mayday are the same that the Members Of
Mayday in the demo scene ? Or are they completely different.
Hmm...strange. But nevertheless, this song is FuCKiN' GR.A. and has needed
to be remixed. A word of silence to Members Of Mayday. They have made it !
But now a more important fact, the GR...Z:
All TuC membas, of courz
TRISTAR & RED SECTOR, Inc. (da best group in da fuckin' world)
FUTURE CREW (the only-one high quality PC demo-scene group)
QUARTEX (my uncle's group (Hi, COBRA/BTW) !)
LEVEL FOUR / ALPHA FLIGHT (seems dead now, but the Intro and the music
is so fuckin' amazing)
OZONE (for da fuckin' C64 demo), and all other cool REBELS membas.
THE INFERNAL DUO (for making the song 'Duo Duo')
RAZOR 1911 (for da fuckin' hot warez !)
DEFJAM! (for u nice Future Composer 1.3 music !)
SKiD R0W (4 u hot warez !)
BASEHEAD (for da best S3M in the world, Shades Of Night ][, I love it !)
TRiTON (for FastTracker ][, of courz, although I use only IT now).
RADiCAL PRoJeKT (Hi, Plasmatic, RP rulz ! But I didn't use da smp pack !)
Mode-X (fallen *snief*)
Majestic 12 (also doomed to death, Plasmatic ?)
ZaSTaR (for making my favourite IT, Creations Of Gaia)
CHRIS JARVIS (for da nice Pale Dreams)
MEMBERS OF MAYDAY (for da COOL SoNiC EmPiRe (and The 2nd Message ?))
All other sceners I forgotten and aren't lame, of cause.
You (for listen to this, even if found it shit !)
Person greetz:
Plasmatic (for being one of my best friends I ever had and have)
Dragon (YO ! Just a week now...Let's continue our doom :-)
Sascha Heu (solved all da problems with da PC ? ;-))
Katja Schoetz (for being my Pen-friend and my first Girl-friend)
Filiz Inanir (for being my girl friend I made my first experiences ;-)
(sorry I forgotten 2 greet u you in my previous releases !))
The Kelly Family (why u don't try to make Trance ? Something new for u !)
That were the most important greetz (or forgotten somebody *shame*).
If da want contact TuC for any reasons (we're looking still for new
membas, especially for PC-Coder for making the PC-Version of TuComposer
(I do the Amiga-Version which works pretty well (plays almost all XMs,
ITs and S3Ms I have correctly by now !!!)). Check out APPLY.FRM !
However, if you got this file without any information filez, here are the
boards where you can contact TuC:
Multibox Berlin (WhQ): +49(0)30 / 757 03 10 6 (Sysop: MCP)
Land of Mystery (Membaboard): +49(0)30 / 688 49 84 (Sysop: Plasmatic)
Whisper BBS (DiSTR0): +49(0)30 / 617 09 59 (Sysop: Elborn)
Ecstasy (DiSTR0): +49(0)30 / 341 29 12 (Sysop: Nighthawk)
Digital Nightmare (DiSTR0): +49(0)5121 / 15 71 07 (Sysop: Lukas Grunwald)
TuC's membas are currently (write to 'em in one of our boards if da want):
Basty (Coder / Musician / Spreader / Organizer / Swapper)
MCP (Gfx-Artist / Trader / Supplier / Spreader)
Leo (Musician)
Plasmatic (Coder / Musician / ANSI-Artist / Supplier / Spreader / Trader /
Dragon (Coder / Musician / ANSI-Artist / Trader / Supplier / Spreader)
So, I told ya enough (more infos are in the TuC.NFO). The apply form is in
:-) Basty (-: