# |
Name |
Used in |
Size |
1. |
(c)1996 transient of |
1 other modules
41070 |
2. |
apathy [quiver] |
3927 other modules
23929 |
3. |
No name |
2 other modules
37642 |
4. |
No name |
4188 |
5. |
y4wn! another song |
4446 |
6. |
finished in the middle |
63232 |
7. |
of the night. exactly |
1 other modules
3792 |
8. |
2:40 am June 27th, 1996. |
1 other modules
2290 |
9. |
this is my second attempt |
2120 |
10. |
at the .s3m format, and |
1 other modules
4190 |
11. |
i think it sounds pretty |
18 other modules
56 |
12. |
good. i'm just glad that |
81 other modules
16252 |
13. |
i had tracked in .mod for |
28 other modules
610 |
14. |
4 years before trying .s3m |
1 other modules
5810 |
15. |
because now i know how to |
59 other modules
5372 |
16. |
make the most of 4-tracks, |
6740 |
17. |
when it came to 12 tracks. |
5 other modules
3446 |
18. |
hehe, no problem <G> ... |
3140 |
19. |
No name |
230 other modules
7680 |
20. |
--------------------------- |
6192 |
21. |
email: |
3598 |
22. |
cmartin@lanleb.cerf.fred. |
10210 |
23. |
org |
24. |
--------------------------- |
25. |
26. |
27. |
"nothing will benefit human |
28. |
health and increase the |
29. |
chances for survival of |
30. |
life on Earth as much as |
31. |
the evolution to a vege- |
32. |
tarian diet" |
33. |
-albert einstein |
34. |
35. |
"put a baby in a crib with |
36. |
an apple and a rabbit, and |
37. |
if the baby eats the |
38. |
rabbit and plays with the |
39. |
apple, i'll buy you a new |
40. |
car" |
41. |
-?iforget? |
42. |
43. |
"The livestock population |
44. |
of the US today consumes |
45. |
enough grain and soybeans |
46. |
to feed over five times |
47. |
the entire human popul- |
48. |
ation of the country. We |
49. |
feed these animals over |
50. |
80% of the corn we grow, |
51. |
and over 95% of the oats. |
52. |
By cycling grain through |
53. |
our diets, we end up with |
54. |
only 10% as many calories |
55. |
avaliable to feed human |
56. |
mouths as would be avail- |
57. |
able if we ate the grain |
58. |
directly." |
59. |
-Tim Robbins,(diet for a) |
60. |
author (new america) |
61. |
(ps- i'd recommend this |
62. |
book if your at all inter- |
63. |
ested in the vegan diet.) |
64. |
65. |
"Thousands of impeccably |
66. |
conducted modern research |
67. |
studies now reveal that |
68. |
the traditional assump- |
69. |
tions regarding our need |
70. |
for meats, dairy products, |
71. |
and eggs have been in |
72. |
error. In fact it is an |
73. |
excess of these very foods |
74. |
which had once been |
75. |
thought to be the found- |
76. |
ations of good eating |
77. |
habits, that is responsibl |
78. |
for the epidemics of heart |
79. |
disease, cancer, osteo- |
80. |
porosis, and many other |
81. |
diseases of our time." |
82. |
-same as above |
83. |
84. |
"A given acreage can feed |
85. |
20 times as many people |
86. |
eating a pure vegetarian |
87. |
diet as it could people |
88. |
eating the standard |
89. |
american diet-style." |
90. |
-same as above |
91. |
92. |
" a child dies of starva- |
93. |
- tion every second. " |
94. |
"50% of men who are meat |
95. |
eaters die of heart attakz |
96. |
4% of men who eat no ani- |
97. |
mal products die of heart |
98. |
attacks" |
99. |
(contact me for more info) |