========= Lightyears Away ============
=========== by spanXz ===============
began september 19, 1998 9.30 p.m.
finished september 22, 1998 8:10 p.m.
(no, i didn't work continuously.. smartass :)
============sample credits============
1 Skaven - nforkids.s3m
2 Captain - Space.mod
3 Terha Uzyn - ff7lb2.s3m
4,5,6 ArchAngel - aa_jackm.xm
7 Necros - click.s3m
email me or i'll die. rbarchas@sprynet.com
(actually, I'd really appreciate hearing your feedback on this song.. i
need input)
i apologize for the use of other's samples, but i have none of my own, and
i figure, ripped music is better than no music.
8, 9 and 10 were public samples downloaded from Soundwave's.
this tune has a kind of interesting history.. i was trying to track the
theme to A Clockwork Orange from memory.. and was having trouble with one
note.. just trying out some different notes, i got the tune that repeats
itself throughout the whole song on channel 1. from there, the sky's the
limit.. for a good song, all you need is a good tune, period. that is my
A lot of people told me that the sawwave sample (#3) was harsh, whiny and
too loud. I tried a ton of other things, but none of them worked; either
the pitch was too loud, or the tone was ill-suited.
this is my 2nd tune. i really enjoyed tracking this one, so expect more!
Greets fly to: nobody