House of the Rising Sun (trad)
Sequenced by ZENON of MUG.
Change the words of the song to:
"There was a computer called the Amigaaaaa"
"It's owners shit on it"
"they spent all the profits on good times'n'fun"
"and now the Amiga is gone"
(Ray 1997)
Addendum for those interested..........
Rudi wrote this on my behalf for the sum of 50
( no, not exactly cheap, I didn't ask for any more! )
It is based on (though not slavishly) the most well known
version of the song by the Animals. Bob Dylan sang this
song with the original (female) words.
How come we have never heard a woman sing it?
You can contact Rudi at:
Rudi Zenon Samborski
122 Lime Grove, Paulsgrove,
Hants. PO6 4DH
By the way, by the time you read this we should be just a few Months
away from releasing the PC version of OctaMED! ( it's going to be good )
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