SoN oF a BiTCH - ReMiXXX
- Format:
- Scream Tracker 3.01 S3M
- Size:
- 321538 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 16
- Song Length:
- 62
- Samples:
- 31
- Patterns:
- 43
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 688
- SHA1:
- 05a873769e4a0a21e5c1a1811393b254700aa372
- MD5:
- e8d33bbab8b463b97f6aa71caab58b3b
Source | Name | Folder |
Music 95 (UK Action, UKA116) | SONOFABI.S3M | SOUNDS/S3M/S3M_S/ |
Modland | son of a bitch - remixxx.s3m | Screamtracker 3/Hadji/ |
Modarchive | son_of_a_bitch_-_remixxx.s3m | S3M/S/son_of_a_bitch_-_remixxx.s3m.zip |
Modarchive | son_of_a_bitch_-_remixxx.s3m | S/SO/son_of_a_bitch_-_remixxx.s3m.zip |
scene.org | SOB-HAD.S3M | music/groups/digital_music_kings/sob_had.zip |
- http://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Screamtracker 3/Hadji
- http://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Screamtracker 3/Hadji/son of a bitch - remixxx.s3m
- https://files.scene.org/browse/music/groups/digital_music_kings
- https://files.scene.org/view/music/groups/digital_music_kings/sob_had.zip
- https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=72185
# | Name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | SoN oF a BiTCH MuTHaFuCKa | 4 other modules | 27408 | ▶️ | 70%:
Son of a bitch! YOOO!
2. | MuTHaFuCK ReMiXXX | 292 other modules | 7920 | ▶️ | |
3. | No name | 13 other modules | 7150 | ▶️ | |
4. | By HaDji / DMK | 29 other modules | 5516 | ▶️ | |
5. | |||||
6. | -DRuGFuCKED MuSiC KiNGS- | ||||
7. | |||||
8. | aN oFFiCiaL DMK ReLeaSE... | ||||
9. | No name | 6 other modules | 12528 | ▶️ | 80%:
10. | oRIGiNaL SoB SoNG By THa | 14 other modules | 11420 | ▶️ | |
11. | oNE aND oNLY #1 PC MuSiCiaN | 64 other modules | 10640 | ▶️ | |
12. | C0SMiC/D-LuSioN/iW/LoGiC | 35586 | ▶️ | ||
13. | No name | 10 other modules | 16614 | ▶️ | |
14. | THiZ iS a ReMiX oF THa oRi- | 4 other modules | 12834 | ▶️ | |
15. | GiNaL 4 CHaNNeL .MoD ! | 7 other modules | 22882 | ▶️ | |
16. | No name | 5 other modules | 20386 | ▶️ | |
17. | HoPE Ya LiKE iT! BeeN a | 2 other modules | 20386 | ▶️ | |
18. | WHiLE SiNCE i'VE ReLeaSeD | 93 other modules | 3880 | ▶️ | |
19. | ZoMETHiNG :) | ||||
20. | No name | 32 other modules | 6298 | ▶️ | |
21. | CHeCK GReeTZ.LST! | 3 other modules | 7272 | ▶️ | |
22. | No name | 17 other modules | 984 | ▶️ | |
23. | aLL SaMPLE CReDiT aND THe | ||||
24. | oRiGiNaL SoNG Go To C0SMiC | ||||
25. | eXCePT SaMP.#18 - NeCRoS | ||||
26. | |||||
27. | BiG THaNKZ To MaSSDeLuSioN | 6 other modules | 6166 | ▶️ | |
28. | oF UNiON FoR THe FiLE_iD!! | 5 other modules | 6004 | ▶️ | |
29. | |||||
30. | SNaKE@NeTCoM.CoM oKaY? oK! | 5 other modules | 3796 | ▶️ | |
31. | No name | 2 other modules | 56914 | ▶️ | 87%:
Work this pussy, you big, ugly bean-eatin' ass!