Respectable (8-bit)

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.14
1283206 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


        Release No.5
                                   L        ML       MH       H
        on ITv2.14p5   Equalizer @ 000-008, 016-006, 096-004, 127-006

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Song Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +


        by Din
        Copyright (c) 2005 Gauche Music

        04min42sec   134bpm   4/4

        Begun:  Feb.19.2005

        Completed:  Mar.02.2005

    |                                                              |
    |  psw- Downloaded from                   |
    |   ma- Sample Collection(s) c/o The Mod Archive               |
    |  mtv- MTV Music Generator (SAMPLES NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE!!*)|
    |  orp- Orangator 2.0 Preset                                   |
    |  sdp- Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 Preset                       |
    |  psi- Free Samples "" CD                 |
    |                                                              |
    | Ripped Samples:                                              |
    |    1- None so far...                                         |
    |                                                              |

 * You can contact Codemasters about the licensing of their samples and
   the Music Generator in general by writing to:

        MTV Music Generator
        Codemasters USA,
        P.O. Box 2150
        Oakhurst, CA 93644

   You may also be able to get information at:

   Be sure to include this notice in your MOD comments should you decide
 * to rip any of their samples.

Commentary (witness the sound of wind blowing):

     I've been planning on doing this song for several months now (perhaps
over a year), and I finally just started doing work on it.  It was all
inspired by that opening sample, though I no doubt had other plans earlier
on.  What I finally came up with is what you now hear.

     I would have liked to apply a flange effect to the second movement (I
guess it could be called the chorus, but it doesn't repeat), where the
Harmonic comes in.  The effect would have been on the PN Saw 1 right as
Harmonic started stuttering away.  Alas, I decided not to bother with
working it out (you can get a nice flange by using the Instrument Pitch
envelope on one channel playing a duplicate piece).

     Also, starting with this song, all of my future releases will contain
only 8-bit samples, though most will have been converted from 16-bit.  I'm
a huge fan of high-quality samples, but the file sizes are becoming a bit
of an issue.  If you'd like a copy of the 16-bit version (at least you can
rip the 16-bit samples :), let me know, and I'll attach it to an e-mail. 
If it will fit as an attachment...the 16-bit version of this song
approaches 4 megs, and they might get even bigger :(

     So here it is, in it's satisfactory glory...well, here it is, anyway.
Keep tracking.

     Thanks go to:

        -God, inspiration and all things good

        -Jeffrey Lim, Impulse's daddy, can't thank you enough

        -The Mod Archive, where you can and probably did find this and
         other free music

        -Nasca Octavia Paul, coder of Paul's Sound Designer, a great soft
         synth with dozens of presets

        -Agent Orange, Orangator 2.0, another great soft synth with tons
         of good presets

        -Codemasters, makers of the MTV Music Generator for PlayStation
         (let's just overlook American Idol)

        -Mom's apple pie (sorry, but it's just too cliche to leave out)

        -And let's not forget, the people who like this and/or any other
         tune I release

        *******   **** **    ***
         *******   **   **    *
          *    **  **   ***   *
          *     ** ***  * **  *
          *     ** **   *  ** *
          *     **      *   ***
          *    **  **   *    **
        ********   **  ***    **/Christopher Brewer

Comments?  Suggestions?  Contact me and tell me what I did right and what
I did wrong.  Write me at:

Check out my homepage.  You can find it at:


Source Name Folder
Modland respectable (8-bit).it Impulsetracker/Din/
Modarchive IT/D/
Modarchive D/DI/



# Name Used in Size
1. Bass 76??? (EQ) psw 174320 ▶️
2. Bass Drum 08 ma 28717 ▶️
3. Snare 12 ma 14089 ▶️
4. Hihat 02 ma 6868 ▶️
5. Hihat 04 ma 12244 ▶️
6. DR-110 Open Hihats ma 6 other modules 49060 ▶️
7. Low Pass mtv 1 other modules 95012 ▶️ 89%:
Ok. I guess so. WALTER
8. Strings 5 orp 2 other modules 87040 ▶️
9. Funky Clav C2 mtv 91204 ▶️
10. Jufilter 1 mtv 39318 ▶️
11. Jufilter 1 (rev) mtv 39318 ▶️
12. Harsh Blip mtv 11835 ▶️
13. Synth 09 sdp 1 other modules 275456 ▶️
14. Crash 02 ma 8 other modules 44928 ▶️ 89%:
Depending on my
15. Crash 1 psi 170743 ▶️ 91%:
16. FM Strings 1 sdp 2 other modules 275456 ▶️ 97%:
17. PN Saw 1 sdp 275456 ▶️
18. Subsine (0.990654*C4) mtv 33205 ▶️
19. Digifilter mtv 1 other modules 14521 ▶️
20. Harmonic mtv 110545 ▶️
21. Harmonic (rev) mtv 110545 ▶️ 89%:
22. MC-303 Asian Gong ma 275574 ▶️ 61%:
23. Hihat 02 ma 6868 ▶️
24. Hihat 04 ma 12244 ▶️
25. DR-110 Open Hihats ma 49060 ▶️ 72%:
That was a game from neuroscienceV
26. Flute Pad 2 sdp 1 other modules 275456 ▶️
27. Snare 12 ma 14089 ▶️
29. -------------------------
30. "Respectable" by Din
31. (c) 2005 Gauche Music
32. =========================
33. Shift+F9 for legend and
34. song info.
35. -------------------------


  1. Loops
  2. Drumset
  3. Low Pass
  4. Strings 5
  5. Funky Clav
  6. Jufilter
  7. Jufilter (rev)
  8. Blip
  9. Synth Lead
  10. Strings
  11. Flute Pad
  12. Pizzicato-ish String Pad
  13. Sub Bass
  14. Digifilter
  15. Harmonic
  16. Harmonic (rev)

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster