
unknown (0891) IT 8.88
19816068 bytes
Song Length:
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 |                                                                    |
 |  Saga Musix presents: Hallmackenreuther (4:05)                     |

This is the soundtrack to the demo "Hallmackenreuther" by TRBL and friends.
Earlier this year,  our dear friend mog passed away, and a bunch of friends
decided to pay our tribute to mog by making a demo in his style,  imitating
the Designers Republic aesthetics.
The plan was to release the demo at Deadline 2023,  a party founded by mog,
among other people. It was here one year ago that mog asked me if I want to
make a demo soundtrack for him, and while that demo sadly never came to be,
I think this soundtrack right here is the second best thing.
I'll miss you, mog.

 -Saga Musix, 2nd of of October 2023


Greetings fly out to all the fine people I met at Deadline 2023:
AceMan, benJam, Bodo, Break, btr, Chance McGee,   Charlie,   cupe,   d0dge,
darya, dIRTIE, dOc.K, dojoe, eha,  Frauke,   frostpfote,   Gasman,   Henne,
insane, justmona, juvi, kb, KeyJ, klos, korkenzieher, kudrix,   lambdacore,
LJ, Losso, Luisa, MacLeon, MadenMann, mAtt, messy, MonoToni,  moqui,   MRC,
muhmac, NinjaKoala, novel, NR4, OhLi, Oni, Pandur,  pixtur,   psykon,   QM,
RaccoonViolet, Ramses, Rhino, rimina, ronny,   Rufus,   Santa,   Schlueppi,
Scotty, Shana, sheijk, SiR, Topy44, Uncle-X, v3nom, wayfinder, yoda,   _Ook
and everyone I forgot!  And extra greetings to Zavie,  who also contributed
to our demo but couldn't make it to the party.


This work is (c) 2023 by Saga Musix and is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Track information:
- Made for the demo "Hallmackenreuther",  released on the 30th of September
  2023 into the PC demo compo at Deadline 2023 (ranked 1st)

Please use OpenMPT 1.31+ to play this track.


You can contact me via e-mail at info@sagamusix.de.
If you want to chat with me...
- Jabber: sagamusix@s3m.it
- EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez
  (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga)
- IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht
  (Nick = Saga_Musix)

Feel free to visit my websites as well:
- https://sagamusix.de/ - Here you can download all my music, free
  samples and other stuff. (German and English)
- https://sagagames.de/ - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free
  games and applications and other stuff.
- https://openmpt.org/ - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :)


Sample credits:

The source of the samples are indicated in the filename of the samples.
- Kick 2: Sampled from the Kick 2 VSTi
- kb6: From the kb6 drum samples collection.
- VEH1: From the Vengeance Essential House Volume 1 sample pack.
- XV-5080: From my Roland XV-5080
- BBC Transmit: From Techmoan's video on a BBC TV transmitter breakdown
  tape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ENRbOWDXmI
- djbourg_14.i: From "The Northern Wind" by DJ Bourg. Yes, I copied both
  the samples and also how they were used to form a breakbeat, it was just
  too good :)
- X5DR: From my Korg X5DR.
- AN1x: From my Yamaha AN1x.
- PS1: From the Playstation 1 ROM
- freesound: From https://freesound.org/people/kyles/sounds/452667/
- D-50: From my Roland D-50.
- JD-800: From my Roland JD-800.

Take care!


Source Name Folder
Modland hallmackenreuther.mptm OpenMPT MPTM/Saga Musix/



# Name Used in Size
1. Casey 03_C0 11129 ▶️
2. Casey 03_C0 + 808 57301 ▶️
3. TR-808Kick06 56833 ▶️
4. VEH1 House Rimshot - 32 4512 ▶️
5. VEH1 Percussive - 18 4826 ▶️
6. VEH1 Shaker - 22 11840 ▶️
7. AmbientIntro 066 886540 ▶️ 82%:
8. AmbientIntro 072 836790 ▶️ 83%:
Thanks for watching!
9. AmbientIntro 078 696780 ▶️ 87%:
10. AmbientIntro 084 539583 ▶️ 88%:
11. Boss_DR880_hihat001 17720 ▶️
12. Boss_DR880_hihat002 6000 ▶️
13. Boss_DR880_hihat003 6000 ▶️
14. Boss_DR880_hihat004 11000 ▶️
15. Boss_DR880_hihat005 18997 ▶️
16. System Scratch 2 9873 ▶️
17. VEH1 House Loop - 198 165376 ▶️
18. Snaredrum-10 XR-10 13469 ▶️
19. Noise 86501 ▶️
20. watch?v=3ENRbOWDXmI 148272 ▶️ 99%:
I'm sorry to tell you that a transmission fault has developed, and it'll be necessary for a short time to reduce power.
21. Winter Time 036 364288 ▶️ 76%:
Thanks for watching!
22. Winter Time 042 190000 ▶️ 77%:
My Outdoors
23. Winter Time 054 364288 ▶️ 79%:
Thanks for watching!
24. Winter Time 060 364288 ▶️ 89%:
25. Winter Time 066 364288 ▶️ 91%:
26. Winter Time 072 240000 ▶️ 88%:
27. Winter Time 078 215000 ▶️ 83%:
Thank you.
28. Winter Time 084 150000 ▶️ 86%:
29. Yamaha CS6 B 009 275194 ▶️ 92%:
Sh literal
30. drum snare 5 other modules 5964 ▶️
31. drum tom 3 other modules 1315 ▶️
32. CSHD2 279922 ▶️ 75%:
33. Wavestation Snares 11052 ▶️
34. linn clap 16kHz 6918 ▶️
35. tomll 31752 ▶️
36. A49 UnivDrKit TranceSnare 1 other modules 26245 ▶️
37. VEH1 House Loop - 198 84000 ▶️
38. Q OFFSHOOT 048 100000 ▶️ 80%:
Thanks for watching!
39. Q OFFSHOOT 054 105000 ▶️ 87%:
Thanks for watching!
40. Q OFFSHOOT 072 178000 ▶️ 83%:
41. Q OFFSHOOT 078 225000 ▶️ 89%:
All right
42. Q OFFSHOOT 084 100000 ▶️ 95%:
43. RIDED8 84623 ▶️
44. Time 126000 ▶️ 70%:
sumskry Effect
45. Power 126000 ▶️ 67%:
Thanks for watching!
46. Breakdown 126000 ▶️ 67%:
Thanks for watching!
47. Transmission 126000 ▶️ 73%:
Thanks for watching!
48. Hand Claps 6255 ▶️
49. CY01 246904 ▶️ 59%:
Thanks for watching!
50. 71 - Omen-FX 31547 ▶️
51. PS Belltree 67642 ▶️
52. 452667__kyles__window-bre 42100 ▶️ 80%:
Thanks for watching!
53. Spacious Sweep C 331732 ▶️ 77%:
Thanks for watching!
54. Spacious Sweep G 215465 ▶️ 74%:
Thanks for watching!
55. Dream-Land Pad 066 75855 ▶️
56. Dream-Land Pad 072 93037 ▶️
57. Dream-Land Pad 078 80797 ▶️
58. T I M E 273000 ▶️ 78%:


  1. Casey 03_C0
  2. Casey 03_C0 + 808
  3. TR-808Kick06
  4. VEH1 House Rimshot - 32
  5. VEH1 Percussive - 18
  6. VEH1 Shaker - 22
  7. CD-A-027-AmbientIntro
  8. Square Bass
  9. Boss_DR880_hihat001
  10. Boss_DR880_hihat002
  11. Boss_DR880_hihat003
  12. Boss_DR880_hihat004
  13. Boss_DR880_hihat005
  14. Pluck
  15. System Scratch 2
  16. VEH1 House Loop - 198
  17. Snaredrum-10 XR-10 Reverb
  18. Noise Transition UpDown
  19. Noisy Bass
  20. Transmission Fault
  21. CD-A-036-Winter Time
  22. FX Wet
  23. Chinese Cymbal
  24. drum snare
  25. drum tom
  26. drum snare Reverb
  27. CSHD2
  28. Wobble Pad
  29. Wavestation Snares
  30. linn clap 16kHz
  31. tomll
  32. A49 UnivDrKit TranceSnare
  33. VEH1 House Loop - 198
  35. Noise Crash
  36. RIDED8
  37. Time
  38. Power
  39. Breakdown
  40. Transmission
  41. Bluefire Bell
  42. Hand Claps Reverb
  43. Bass +12
  44. CY01
  45. 71 - Omen-FX
  46. VEH1 Shaker - 22 Reverb
  47. Noise Transition UpDown 2
  48. PS Belltree
  49. PS Belltree JustIntonat
  50. Shattered Glass
  51. Spacious Sweep
  52. Dream-Land Pad
  53. T I M E

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster