Mind/Soul Caressing

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
1160953 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Altered Perception Archive MRE-SCAR.XM m/mre-scar.zip
Modarchive mre-scar.xm XM/M/mre-scar.xm.zip
Modarchive mre-scar.xm M/MR/mre-scar.xm.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. Angel Breath by 14645 ▶️
2. Kuno
3. *
4. Beat 1/7 by TMC 1 other modules 7627 ▶️
5. *
6. Beat 2/7 by TMC 7732 ▶️
7. *
8. Beat 3/7 by TMC 1 other modules 7681 ▶️
9. *
10. beat 4/7 by TMC 1 other modules 4906 ▶️
11. *
12. Beat 5/7 by TMC 7756 ▶️
13. *
14. Beat 6/7 by TMC 7550 ▶️
15. *
16. Beat 7/7 by TMC 10396 ▶️
17. *
18. Unknown 81408 ▶️ 52%:
19. *
20. Beat 1/4 by Guru... 2089 ▶️
21. Split up and Looped
22. by me
23. *
24. Beat 2/4 by Guru... 9286 ▶️
25. Split up and looped
26. by me
27. *
28. Beat 3/4 by Guru... 4762 ▶️
29. Split up and looped
30. by me
31. *
32. Beat 4/4 by Guru... 7079 ▶️
33. Split up and looped
34. be me...
35. *
36. @ TMC SmoothSine 908 ▶️
37. *
38. 404 destiny 158461 ▶️ 82%:
39. Also from a track by
40. TMC...
41. *
42. Hatrhy12 1 other modules 2735 ▶️
43. By TMC
44. *
45. Hatful2 22181 ▶️
46. By TMC
47. *
48. "I used to pray" 61975 ▶️ 100%:
I used to pray with my arms outstretched because it was more painful.
49. vocal sample, I got 3 other modules 29904 ▶️ 100%:
I could feel closer to God.
50. it from a track by
51. Kuno...
52. *
53. From a track by 5 other modules 105955 ▶️ 87%:
54. Slicky, I think...
55. *
56. Breakbeat...Unknown 29241 ▶️
57. source
58. *
59. Boom Bass, unknown 54260 ▶️
60. source
61. *


  1. - Soul Caressing -
  2. ==================
  3. Melodic/Emotional
  4. Drum aNd Bass track by
  5. Mister_E/AS-OBG-NEURO
  6. On the 1st-3rd of
  7. september, 1999
  8. I got many of the smps
  9. from TMC: Hal 9000
  10. (9001 mix) but this is
  11. not the least a remix,
  12. it's all my own...Then
  13. again, I'd be surpri-
  14. sed, had TMC done a
  15. track like this! Not
  16. because this is better
  17. than his, I still re-
  18. gard TMC as the mas-
  19. ter in D'n'B, at least
  20. for those tracks I
  21. have heard from him!
  22. This is by far, more
  23. melodic and choral set
  24. up, which seems to be
  25. what defines my trax.
  26. Greetz fly in the gene
  27. ral direction of:
  28. All of OBG: Acid Bee,
  29. Factor and Diablo.
  30. AudioStorm: I-Motion,
  31. Stagger and Neophyte.
  32. All of NEURO: Om3ga,
  33. Jack The Tripper and
  34. Cryogenic.
  35. Ch3mical Fusi0n, Kuno,
  36. TranceMitter, Spoiler&
  37. Westis/DCT2, Merlin/
  38. Andenoid, And all I
  39. have forgotten...:-)
  40. (not in the scene):
  41. Lord Soth.Acidman.Guru
  42. Zapper.Brightblade.
  43. Karzian. All on my ICQ
  44. list...And all of the
  45. now long dead and gone
  46. NTP...
  47. Handshake to TMC for
  48. his inspirational trax
  49. and uh...Yeah,
  50. theHacker/KFMF for
  51. introducing me to the
  52. usage of E1X commands
  53. =)
  54. A little info on me:
  55. Mister_E...
  56. Been tracking since
  57. june 98... my email is
  58. Mister_E_666 (at)
  59. get2net.dk or
  60. hotmail.com
  61. ICQ #: 36085200 ==>
  62. This might be some of
  63. the last you'll hear
  64. from me in some time,
  65. as I will have to turn
  66. my attention to my
  67. studies now, and
  68. also to the last phone
  69. bill, which might take
  70. me most of '99 to pay
  71. back =(
  72. ...So...
  73. I will return, full
  74. force, sometime =)
  75. I won't die out, but
  76. it might take a while
  77. before I release any
  78. thing on AP again (or
  79. anywhere, for that
  80. sake!) Please, give me
  81. some feedback on the
  82. track, or if you are
  83. in a hurry, rate the
  84. track at www.
  85. alteredperception.com
  86. - just go to the
  87. archives section,
  88. go to M...And scroll
  89. down to the track...
  90. I have somewhere be-
  91. tween 15 and 20 tracks
  92. on AP, so if you like
  93. this, just look around
  94. there...Or mail me, &
  95. I will send you my URL
  96. list...I mostly do
  97. trance, but I have
  98. also uploaded some
  99. D'n'B tracks as well..
  100. Until next time:
  101. Live your dreams...
  102. Don't live IN
  103. your dreams...
  104. ====================
  105. "Soul Caressing"
  106. is TM, (c) and all
  107. that BS: Mister_E/
  108. AS, OBG and NEURO...
  109. Maybe this will go on
  110. my forthcoming demo
  111. cd? I think so =)
  112. 3rd of september, 1999
  113. -Mister_E/AS.OBG.NEURO

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster