"My W0nderful Fear$"
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 324177 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 24
- Song Length:
- 28
- Samples:
- 25
- Instruments:
- 95
- Patterns:
- 23
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 529
- SHA1:
- 92f338723b92ed8f33c20d8eee172ad4f721d783
- MD5:
- a34d76a591326dc8a37dcab89911b971
Source | Name | Folder |
Modarchive | wondrful.xm | XM/W/wondrful.xm.zip |
Modarchive | wondrful.xm | W/WO/wondrful.xm.zip |
Modland | my w0nderful fear$.xm | Fasttracker 2/JMTM/ |
# | Name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | |||||
2. | 2OctSine.HM | 64 | ▶️ | ||
3. | 2OctSine.HM | 64 | ▶️ | ||
4. | 2OctSine.HM | 64 | ▶️ | ||
5. | 2OctSine.HM | 64 | ▶️ | ||
6. | Lowhip1.wav | 12920 | ▶️ | ||
7. | Lowhip1.wav | 6596 | ▶️ | ||
8. | |||||
9. | 707_rid.wav | 1473 | ▶️ | ||
10. | 707_rid.wav | 1473 | ▶️ | ||
11. | 707_rid.wav | 1473 | ▶️ | ||
12. | 707_rid.wav | 1473 | ▶️ | ||
13. | |||||
14. | Badmf2.smp | 9943 | ▶️ | ||
15. | 707_rid.wav | 4367 | ▶️ | ||
16. | 707_tam.wav | 4367 | ▶️ | ||
17. | Hhoda.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
18. | Hhoda.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
19. | Hhoda.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
20. | Hhoda.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
21. | Hhoda.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
22. | Hhod8.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
23. | Hhoda.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
24. | Hhoda.wav | 7867 | ▶️ | ||
25. | Acsw10.smp | 66057 | ▶️ | 79%:
HONswOo- Still finettte
- J/M/T/M $h0w$ Y0u
- "My
- W0nderful
- Fear$
- "
- FILE INF0 * * * *
- $tyle: H0rr0r Break$
- Length: 3:30
- DOB: 2002.08.20
- I $tumble in darkne$$,
- I feel $0mething $0ft
- and wet, after a while
- I Di$c0ver that it$
- bl00dy fle$h, I laugh,
- I $mear the bl00d all
- 0ver my b0dy and eat
- the fle$h rapidy, 0nce
- again I laugh, when I
- realize Im g0ing crazy
- I run in panic fr0m
- 0ne grey area t0
- an0ther, $earching f0r
- a way 0ut 0f thi$ maze
- 0f madne$$, $uddenly
- I c0me acr0$$ a lamp
- m0unted in the wall
- be$ide me, I pau$e
- calmed by the w0nder
- ful light, and I $ee a
- man dead 0n the fl00r
- with0ut thinking I
- b0w d0wn and take a
- bite 0ut 0f hi$ thr0at
- I try t0 $t0p, but I
- $imply have t0 eat him
- When I realize that
- Im actually n0t
- dreaming I rai$e my
- head t0ward$ the
- ceiling trying t0
- $cream 0ut my fear
- but all that c0me$
- 0ut i$ a dark laughter
- which make$ me faint
- int0 n0thingne$$.....
- When I wake up Im
- standing in a c0rner
- apparently waiting f0r
- $0mething, then I hear
- it, a per$0n i$ m0ving
- t0ward$ me, all my
- mu$cle$ $eem t0
- react t0 the $0und
- like they have a mind
- 0f their 0wn...
- And $uddenly I $ee
- it, a y0ung c0p with a
- gun, I $mile becau$e
- I n0w kn0w thi$ night
- mare i$ 0ver, and I
- $tart t0 $ay $0mething
- t0 him when my b0dy
- m0ve$ fa$ter than I
- ever imagined p0$$ible
- t0ward$ the c0p which
- $ee$ me a $h00t$ me
- in the head, I fall t0
- the fl00r and bef0re I
- die I realize the
- h0rrible awful truth:
- Im a z0mbie.
- I think thi$ $0ng ha$
- a m0re evil and dark
- atm0$phere than my
- 0ther $0ng "Animal Me"
- but thats 0f c0ur$e
- IMH0 , heheh!
- if y0u have any kind
- 0f c0mment mail me at
- the_mech@hotmail.com