gonna RoCk da place!
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 994789 bytes
- BPM:
- 127
- Speed:
- 5
- Channels:
- 14
- Song Length:
- 25
- Samples:
- 37
- Instruments:
- 57
- Patterns:
- 25
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 337
- SHA1:
- fc3147858b7c00518010f12d9c2a6d7f5d067496
- MD5:
- cc56869c7b08d8748379c58bd17dea2b
Source | Name | Folder |
Modarchive | gonna_rock_da_place.xm | XM/G/gonna_rock_da_place.xm.zip |
Modarchive | gonna_rock_da_place.xm | G/GO/gonna_rock_da_place.xm.zip |
aminet | RC-ROCK.XM | mods/tp96/GonnaRockThePl.lha |
Modland | gonna rock da place!.xm | Fasttracker 2/Dyne/ |
# | Name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | (c)andremis | 25861 | ▶️ | 75%:
2. | (c)andremis | 41269 | ▶️ | 100%:
3. | No name | 3731 | ▶️ | ||
4. | No name | 2787 | ▶️ | ||
5. | No name | 32 other modules | 4402 | ▶️ | |
6. | No name | 1 other modules | 18367 | ▶️ | |
7. | No name | 4467 | ▶️ | ||
8. | No name | 11513 | ▶️ | ||
9. | No name | 9 other modules | 9812 | ▶️ | |
10. | No name | 1 other modules | 8516 | ▶️ | |
11. | No name | 4415 | ▶️ | ||
12. | No name | 4670 | ▶️ | ||
13. | No name | 4194 | ▶️ | ||
14. | No name | 4038 | ▶️ | ||
15. | No name | 4178 | ▶️ | ||
16. | No name | 1 other modules | 4147 | ▶️ | |
17. | No name | 1 other modules | 6439 | ▶️ | |
18. | No name | 4099 | ▶️ | ||
19. | No name | 1 other modules | 6556 | ▶️ | |
20. | No name | 4285 | ▶️ | ||
21. | No name | 4928 | ▶️ | ||
22. | No name | 47 other modules | 2004 | ▶️ | |
23. | No name | 66 other modules | 5190 | ▶️ | |
24. | No name | 2 other modules | 16656 | ▶️ | |
25. | (c) 1995 necros / fm | 14 other modules | 31000 | ▶️ | |
26. | (c)dYne | 38695 | ▶️ | 91%:
The Batman
27. | (c)dYne | 30585 | ▶️ | 98%:
28. | (c)dYne | 26870 | ▶️ | 97%:
Oh ho!
29. | (c)dYne | 30039 | ▶️ | 98%:
30. | (c)dYne | 28095 | ▶️ | 98%:
YIt's cover left real boy
31. | (c)dYne | 39333 | ▶️ | 100%:
Let's rock the place!
32. | (c)dYne | 145910 | ▶️ | 90%:
Ricton Kelly, that's back again! It's the Medina and the Hamster man! Bring it here back to the old-time school! Where Ritheron, Bay's and Redpool school!
33. | (c)dYne | 146290 | ▶️ | 99%:
We're all diminished, it's the ultimate vision, the goals are careless, So what are the missions? The enemies? I'm anybody that really have a case, Cuz right them counters gotta run without play!
34. | (c)dYne | 121795 | ▶️ | 95%:
Oh, because W
35. | (c)dYne | 15014 | ▶️ | 97%:
36. | (c)dYne | 56787 | ▶️ | 98%:
37. | st-81:pinup.txt | 32 other modules | 9068 | ▶️ |
- . composed by .
- dYNE / rC
- &
- .for tp6multichannel.
- . compo .
- thanx to andremis
- for backup vocals
- main-rap performed
- by dYne
- arranged by
- vocals&text is
- copyright 1996
- by dYne /rC
- idea by dYne /rC
- moral support by
- piffi/rC
- rap-vocals-goes :
- "rectum cauda is back
- again. This time with
- dyne and the hamzter-
- man. Bringin' ya'back
- to the oldtime-school,
- where rythm'n'bass and
- rap was cool!
- World domination is
- the ultimate vision,
- the goals are clear
- and so are the visions
- The enemies are many
- but they really have a
- case, 'cause rECTUM
- cAUDA's gonna rock
- da place!"
- chorus :
- "yeah, come'on every-
- body , let's rock da
- place!!"
- . this is IT!
- . tp6-domination!!