English version Svenskish version
Dashing and daring | Sn.lla och rara
Courageous and caring | helt underbara
Faithful and friendly | och deras saga
With stories to share | ber.ttas igen
All through the forest | deras s.nger
They sing out in chorus | som f.rr m.nga g.nger
Marching along, | djupt in i skogen,
As their song fills the air | d.r lever de .n
Gummi Bears, | Hipp hurra,
Bouncing here and there and everywhere | f.r h.r kommer Bumbibj.rnarna
High adventure that's beyond compare | Studsar fram igenom sagorna
They are the Gummi Bears. | och vi f.r f.lja med.
Magic and mystery | Bumbib.rssaften,
Are part of their history | den magiska kraften
Along with the secret | Och visst blir man stark
of Gummi Berry juice | om man dricker utav den
Their legend is growing, | Ondska och t.rnar
They take pride in knowing | det klarar sm. bj.rnar
They'll fight for what's right | De k.mpar och godheten
In whatever they do | segrar igen
Gummi Bears, | Hipp hurra,
Bouncing here and there and everywhere | f.r h.r kommer Bumbibj.rnarna
High adventure that's beyond compare | Studsar fram igenom sagorna
They are the Gummi Bears, | och vi f.r f.lja med,
They are the Gummi Bears! | Och vi f.r f.lja med!
Finished at DreamHack on november 5th '99
Yes, I finished it there. And with the boombastics all around, I could
barely hear what I was doing! Therefor, the ending in the first released
version was fucked up, to say the least. As of now, I have fixed it and
rereleased the song.
What can I say? It's such a happy little tune...
Divion/QPortti (,
Oh yeah, almost forgot: If you want an mp3 version of the original song,
then let me know. I have 5 different versions (quality varies); Swedish,
english, german, russian and polish (and other melancholy songs, ie
Bj.rnes Magasin, Disneydags etc)
Tyngden p. dalskidan, .lskling!