-> Umbreakable cages <-
by DiGiTbOx (c) 2001
Longplay vrs. ...... ~ 4.45 mins
some samples ripped from "Tomorrow you're gone" by Blaze
Piano samples : Samme
Add. Mixing by TranceMaster
The piano loop is inspired by the song "Tomorrow you're gone" by Blaze ( 2001 )
SoundHall crew :
Digitbox - Mix, music.
TranceMaster - Mix, Music, and God of the syntos.
PierFranello - Music 'n Rebirth Master.
Galuzz - Guitar player, sampler.
Samme - Music, piano.
Bibi - Flute, Sax, orchestral arrangements.
Nikko - Drums ( real, no sampled ! ).
Pandorio - Mixer, Fx engineer, Masterer.
Dany - Music, Barman.
If u want a mix, music ( any kind ), fx, sex ( only woman :P ), gfx 'n more 'n m
write to DiGiTbOx : digitbox@supereva.it
Italians sound Better :P
Look out for SoundHall site ...... work in progress .....
Greetz : Simo, Bart J, Xatos, Kaymano, Igne, Mau the "cappuccio" caster, Barba,
Katia "Memole" Moretti, Jacopo "tamarro" Lanini, Jacopo "wanna fuck
everything" Cenni, Tommaso "WAZZUP!" Ciccolone, Marco "Elcabeza" Belli,
Alessandro "Ho vinto qualche cosa?" Pastorelli, all @ Milestone & Damag
Andrea "Brugola" Capigatti, Virginio "Gas ora e sempre" Biagi, Turbozau
Gianni el beveron, Andrea "UFO" Ghelli, Simona "UAHAAHAAHHHH" Mugnai, S
Puffi's family, Lalla, Robbe' "Duracell", Zago, Centauro, All the CMRR
tournament player, Katia Imbaglione, Astuccio, The "Chiava" crew, T.V.D
Capo, Fabio "pitoro" Vannini, Trakka, Samu & Robe, Ilaria, Chiara Matte
Alessiuccia, Spazz, Marco "Fava", Marco "Roma", and all I forgot.
Byez !