Greatness Awaits You

ModPlug Tracker 1.16 IT 2.14
7905312 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


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..        ...  ..  ...   ......   .  .....  .  .......  ..  ..  . ....
..  ....  ..  ....  ..  . .... .  .     ...  ....  ..  .......   .....
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..  ....  ...  ..  ...  ...  ...  .  .....  .  ..  ...  ..  ..  .  ...
..  ....  ....    ....  ...  ...  .     ...   ...  ....    ...  ..  ..
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...  ..  ...  ........................................................
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..  ....  ..  ..  ..  .....  .. .  ...................................
..  ....  ..  ..  ..  .....  ...   ...................................
..  ....  ..  ..  ..     ..  ....  ...................................

--oo  ooo-ooo---oo-oo-oo-oo-oooo--ooo--oo-oo-oo-o--o-o--o-------------

A quick dissection of the music:

Prologue/Section 1  Venturing out/Overture:

Section 2  The Darkened Lake/Dance of the Fireflies:

Interlude 1  The Night Falls and Sleep Comes:

Section 3  Dreaming of the Things to Come/Underture:

Section 4  Daylight and the Dove That Flew Overhead:

Section 5  Approach of Battle:

Section 6  A Bittersweet Victory:

Special greetings go out to:

Pruno: for listening to this thing from it's infant stage onward.

Mike(Evolution): for putting up with my stupid ICQ antics and for
        insisting that I switch over the drums.

Fairlight: for asking me to do a co-op and then dropping out.  I
        wouldn't have felt so pressured to make the first section
        cool if I weren't trying to live up to your standards.

Quasi-Special greetings go out to:

Alchemist, The; A Life in Hell; AutoGhash; Azo; Alk; BlueBoomer;
Bodien; Chimera; Dead Style; Delara; Diakoku; DJRonto; dknation;
dokter-187; Dragonfire; Fatboy; Glacier; GunDee; Hanhisuanto;
Infey; Karmann; Krikkit; LCM!; LittleElk; Mario de la Grande;
MELIN; melvyl; Moon Pie; Mysterium; OnneW; Pete Cacmac;
Phlegmatic; Pikari; Ralesk; reduz; roncli; Saboteur; Saij-Lyn;
SalsaBoy; Scienide; Self Bias Resistor; SlamminVinyl; Sliding
Trancer; Solo; Space Walk; Synthegrate; T-Bird; TantoHashi;
TheTourist; Thorn; Thygrr; Tracker Nation; TrenteTrois; UFOPOLI;
Voltan; Wide Damned Mind; Wight; ZanaZac; Zaril; Zepsi; Zionic.

If I forgot anyone I am infinitely sorry.

Now for the story behind the music:

Greatness Awaits You:

    Personal note:

    This idea was conceived when the title was conceived before
    I even began to write the music.  The story in my head told
    of great adventures for a young man who was due to set out
    into the world. Somehow I knew that the hero was destined to
    fail and not heed the warnings of his family.  I wrote the
    music as a story to be told, but even as I wrote it, I knew I
    wanted to convey something about life and that I wouldn't
    know what until the person the song is about was through with
    their story.

    But now the story has ended along with the music...

    ...and yes, the hero did fail.

Greatness Awaits You:

This is a really lame story, because it's not really a story, the
story is the music, but this way you can see what I was trying to
convey within the notes a little bit more clearly (I hope).


A young man sits at home dreaming of a new life.

He could be anyone stuck in a situation that they have never been able
to understand.  He ponders a way out, a new beginning and thinks of
the glories of battle.  The soldiers who so bravely fight the battles
of his land are held in such high esteem as those who defend and save.

At this point his mind becomes enthralled with this concept.

As his 18th birthday approaches and he reaches the true fighting age a
war is brimming on the frontier.

Chapter 1: Section 1

Fearing for his son's life, the father makes a desperate plea that he
not join the fighting force and instead stay home to help with the
crops. (okay, making him a farmer is a cheesey plot line but...)

This section attempts to present the confusion and majesty of the
young man's thoughts at this time.  Knowing in his heart that he truly
wants to be a warrior, yet hearing the truth from his father - that
it will be a hard a tormented life.  That living with blood on his
hands will be the price he must pay to become part of the elite
fighting force.

The dispute continues and soon the father grows so angry he ends the
quarrel and leaves.

The son is left alone and still confident that his decision was the
right one.

Chapter 2: Section 2 and Interlude

The young man leaves with the army the next day and is given some rough
training.  However, the approaching army leaves very little time for
such a thing.

The young man is given a uniform and marches in line to the campground
for the night.  The group sets up a campsite and the young man falls
asleep while watching the fireflies and thinking about what his father
has said to him.

Chapter 3: Section 3

The young man begins to dream as he sleeps.  A state of unease falls
over his thoughts and he feels as though he is running scared.  He
soon finds himself running directly into the middle of a battle.  A
conflagration of war surrounds his mind as he remembers briefly his
father's warnings and is suddenly awakened.

Chapter 4: Section 4

Awakened by the dream before the rest of the nameless soldiers within
his camp the young man sees a dove flying above the campsite and
entertains the thought of deserting camp while everyone is still
asleep.  Knowing that this will be a source of shame upon himself
and his family he falls back asleep feeling ill at ease about the
upcoming battle and what it may bring.

Chapter 5: Section 5

As the sounds of the oncoming army approach the young man finds
himself in the grips of fear and anxiety.  At every turn it seems as
though an attack will come.

When the battle does come, it isn't what he expected, the chaos and
humanity are overwhelming and caught in the grips of the instinct to
survive, the young man takes the life of an enemy soldier only to be
knocked unconcious.

Chapter 6: Section 6

The young man awakes to find that his army has won the battle at the
cost of his innocence.  The soldiers, saddened by the loss of their
comrades, begin their voyage back home.  The young man comes home to
find that his family hasn't changed and that they still accept him,
despite the blood on his hands.  Feeling comforted by their love and
compassion the young man vows never to fight again and lives the rest
of his life in peace.

Well..... that would be the ending, if it were a fantasy world.

In the real world... the end would probably go something along the
lines of.... the battle was lost and the young man was taken prisoner
for many years.  While there he was tortured and lost all shreds of
dignity as a human being.

But people don't want to hear that... Happy endings are a neccessity
as we ignore the issues in our world.  It's much safer to pay
attention only to our little insignificant lives than to worry about
greater issues.

Every day in every way I am getting better and better... or so you'd
like to think.  At this point I would like to write absurd poetry.

The Songwriter and His Lover:

Once again,
In the grips of something,
Great and wonderful,
I find myself asleep,
As inspiration takes over.

Don't worry about it though,
It won't ruin the designer clothes I wear,
That you like so much.

I'll still look artistic.


Would you rather be a consumer,
Or a begger without responsibilty,
To the things he wishes he owned?

The End:

That's all the poetry I have in me,
Right now,
Because I'm tired,
From counting the friends I thought I had.

Technical stuff:

I'm a geek so I'm going to tell you how I came up with this giant mess.
If nothing else, it'll give you something to pay attention to while you
listen to my song.

Well, at some point towards the end of March, '00 I came in contact
with an artist by the name of Fairlight.  We chatted over ICQ for quite
some time and at some point he asked me whether I would like to do a
co-op song with him.  I of course told him that I would love to do
something like that and started work on a song that night.

The song I wrote focused on a really strange chord progression that I
had devised on the piano earlier that week.  (Bmin, C#bassB, DbassA,
G, Bmin, Faug, Dmaj7, G)  Well, basically, the song sounded kind of
neat as a piano song, but trying to add harmony and countermelody was
turning into too much work, so I sent this half baked idea to
Fairlight.  Well, I could tell he didn't really think much of it
(I didn't really think so either) so I returned to the piano.  I was
fooling around with the same chords but decided to try a Gmin instead
of a G.  Well, that sounded pretty neat to me so I bumped it up to
the relative major and had myself a D to Bb chord progression.  This
served to present the first theme for the song.  I transposed it down
from D to A and set to work.  I also knew that Dmin to Bb would work
like a charm so I started coming up with ways to use that progression

Instead of my normal build up to drums and full arrangement I opted
for a straight shot to the song.  Partly this was just to shake things
up and partly I just wanted to use an orchestra roll in sample that I
had discovered in another song to bring in a full arrangement quickly.

The intro with the rain is totally a reference to Final Fantasy's main
theme from Final Fantasy 4J.  It's always been a favorite of mine,
there's a little extra going on as far as chord changes but it still
owes a great debt to the original song.

Well, since I was at my dynamic plateau already I decided to jazz
up the chord progression a little bit and started shifting things
around.  The first thing I did was to take the song into a Dmin to G
chording (Pattern 5). Later on, I would discover that this was going
to provide much of the thematic development to the song.

So, I continued and in pattern 7 tried a C, Emin, C, Fmin chord
progression which built into pattern 8 and resolved to an A in pattern

I sent this to Fairlight and asked if he would like to help out with
this song.

He replied that he would love to, but in the coming weeks would drop
off the project as work began to take over his existance.

During those weeks I couldn't keep my hands off of the song and decided
to continue.  I once again made reference to the Final Fantasy theme
as a transition between the first and second sections.

The second section was kind of a pain for me and I struggled with
getting it off the ground.  But in total, the basics for it were mapped
out in about 2 hours  once I got it started.  Patterns 10 and 11 serve
to bridge into the main theme  of the second section as heard in
patterns 12 and 13.  I use a lot of Spanish flavored chordings to
really allow some of the more foreign sounding melodies to come out.

Pattern 10's chord progression:  (E, F, Amin, Dmin to C) repeat
Pattern 11's chord progression:  (Amin, F, C, C, Dmin, F, Amin, Dmin
to C)

Patterns 12 and 13 provide the main theme, which is based around the
following chord progression,  (A, C, E, E) repeat (F, Dmin, C, C, Dmin,
E, A, A)

Throughout there are some small variations because I kept wanted to
bring out small distinctions in the melodies and in the background
sections.  As I said, the section was set up in a short time through
cut and paste so I really had to go back and alter little things to
make the whole thing sound less copied.

Pattern 19 is the only variation upon chording that I use.  Instead
of ending the pattern with A twice I take it from A to E and resolve
the progression to Amin.  This was kind of a weird thing for me to try
and it was actually about the fifth thing I used to resolve it.
Patterns 19 and 20 were retracked more than any other section of the

At about this point Fairlight informed me that he wouldn't be able to
work on the song due to his job and then proceeded to fall off the
face of the ICQ earth for about 4 to 5 weeks.

The interlude section is one of the things I'm more proud of in the
song.  The chord progression is non repeating and basically moves it's
way from a Cmin to a F#min resolution that I really felt kept the
tensity of the song alive.

The following chord progression was used.

Pattern 21 (Cmin, Gmin, A, Gmin)
Pattern 22 (Cmin, Bb, Bbmin, Gb *very quick changes* Ebmin, B, Db)
Pattern 23 (Gb, Db, Dbmin, A to Db)
Resolution to Gbmin (F#min)

The major to minor changes set up the 4th section's theme.

Section 3 came as a surprise to me.  The way it is heard now is not at
all the way it was written.  This whole section was meant to act as an
exciting dream about what the battle would be like because at this point
I had the storyline firmly planted in my head.

It didn't originally have the main melody theme within all the pizzicato
strings upon re-examination did I realize that I really wanted to try
a more Romantic  approach and introduce the theme early.

There is no real chord progression to the initial parts of this section,
instead constant bassline and pizzicato is maintained, hopefully with
the effect of additional tension as the violins flail away.

Pattern 27 introduces a brief chord progression that is later used to
modulate towards the main theme.  (A, D, Dmin, F#min)

Pattern 29 uses a similar pattern with a larger amount of instruments
but makes adjustments to pull the song into the Dmin to G chord
progression.  (A, D, Dmin, D, D, G, Dmin)

The large section following the buildup brings back the Dmin to G chord
progress well as the A to F chord progression.

The morning segment starts off in the key of D with some pretty basic
chord changes (D, A, Bmin, G, D, Bmin, G, G) but quickly moves to add
in a B chord to modulate the key of E.  Once in E the previous I, V,
VImin, IV, I, VImin, IV, IV) chord progression is altered to add in an
Amin, which is partially resolved to G#.

The next section of the morning segment presents my personal favorite
as far as chord progressions in the song go.  (G#, E, Emin, B, Bmin,
Bmin, E, E)  It's slightly odd but still very pretty and I think it
provides just the right amount of anxiety because of the strange changes.

Section 5 tries to bring back everything that was heard before in a
new way.  At one point I was so obsessive that I was writing in
individual volumes for every  note with individual pannings.  Later on
I couldn't figure out why my computer was fritzing out over only 80
channels.  Once I did figure it out I took out a lot of the excess

There are a lot of subtle chord changes in this piece to bring back
everything that has been played before (as much as possible).  The Dmin,
Dmin, G, Gmin progression soon turned into Dmin, Bb (which is what I was
playing when I came up with this whole mess of a song).

This soon segues it's way into an Amin, C, E chord progression quite
like the one in section 2.  From there it moves into a Dmin, Bb, E
chord progression.  Soon it becomes Emin, C, F# as a key change occurs.
The section ends pretty abruptly with syncopation that ended up
there as an accident.  I was pasting some of the strings from the end
in place and was trying a couple different patterns at the end of the
section.  Alas, I forgot and ended up pasting them right into place
without even noticing it until I listened again.  It was truly
a blessing.  It added a whole new element to this section.

The final section revolves around an Amin9, F9 chord progression which
if it were up to Dmin would be Dmin9, Bb9.  Quickly it moves to utilize
a C and a G to provide the major key and happiness of the section.  I
reintroduce the theme towards the end, bringing the Amin to D element of
the song back into play.

The final climax is an F to C resolution, which is commonly known as the
"Amen" resolution because it sounds much like a church.

That's all I really have to say about the technical aspects of the music.

I'm actually quite anxious to put the song online now so I'll cut any
further anamysis short.  It's probably a good thing too, because people
who analyze their own music are usually very cocky.  I hope I didn't come
off that way.  Maybe a little weird with the poetry, but nonetheless a
nice guy.

Keep the Peace, no one wants blood on their hands.

Justin Neme
ICQ# 71497280

All feedback welcome and appreciated.... thanks to all those who

Special thanks to all those who put up with my comments sheet being so


Source Name Folder
Modland greatness awaits Impulsetracker/Homesickalien/



# Name Used in Size
1. Piano A 9 other modules 100000 ▶️ 72%:
2. Piano B 10 other modules 90000 ▶️
3. Piano C 10 other modules 90000 ▶️
4. Piano D 11 other modules 80000 ▶️ 69%:
5. Piano E 9 other modules 70000 ▶️ 66%:
6. Piano F 7 other modules 60000 ▶️
7. Harp A 2 other modules 4116 ▶️
8. Harp B 22 other modules 2974 ▶️
9. Harp C 21 other modules 2056 ▶️
10. Harp D 24 other modules 3222 ▶️
11. Harp E 2 other modules 3820 ▶️
12. Harp F 24 other modules 5143 ▶️
13. Harp G 3 other modules 3641 ▶️
14. Harp H 23 other modules 6520 ▶️
15. Harp I 21 other modules 6331 ▶️
16. Harp J 4881 ▶️
17. Harp K 19 other modules 6455 ▶️
18. Strings ( w 001 001
19. Strings ( w 001 001
20. Bass Guitar A 3 other modules 16463 ▶️
21. Bass Guitar B 3 other modules 14769 ▶️
22. Bass Guitar C 1 other modules 14966 ▶️
23. Bass Guitar D 1 other modules 18889 ▶️
24. Whip Bass 5 other modules 1434 ▶️
25. Flyby 3 other modules 78756 ▶️ 55%:
Thanks for watching!
26. Cymbal Roll 29 other modules 36936 ▶️
27. Roll in 16 other modules 23984 ▶️
28. Twinkle 14 other modules 57850 ▶️
29. Bass Drum 1 other modules 14944 ▶️
30. Rack Tom 1 other modules 28600 ▶️
31. Floor Tom 4 other modules 12154 ▶️
32. Closed Hat 116 other modules 2691 ▶️
33. Snare 1 other modules 23123 ▶️
34. No Sample Here
35. Rain 5 other modules 52615 ▶️ 53%:
Thanks for watching!
36. Violin A 52 other modules 16092 ▶️
37. Violin B 57 other modules 15864 ▶️
38. Violin C 59 other modules 17083 ▶️
39. Violin D 59 other modules 15207 ▶️
40. Violin E 59 other modules 15392 ▶️
41. Violin F 58 other modules 16699 ▶️
42. Violin G 56 other modules 16195 ▶️
43. Violin H 47 other modules 20868 ▶️
44. Violin I 48 other modules 19539 ▶️
45. Crash 65519 ▶️
46. Short strings 7 other modules 3738 ▶️
47. Cello A 205824 ▶️
48. Cello B 2 other modules 179712 ▶️ 65%:
Thanks for watching!
49. Cello C 163072 ▶️ 83%:
50. Cello D 1 other modules 157184 ▶️ 87%:
Feel free if you want, contact your nearest friend, and he will be sure to give you the real truth about life free feat. Just drop through our month in Just A United Plan 7 page for a decent amount of money. Follow us on Twitter with your photo of the show with this video format. Leave us a comment below. Stay tuned for more videos.
51. Flute A 10 other modules 20690 ▶️
52. Oboe 14 other modules 35596 ▶️
53. Flute B 9 other modules 20061 ▶️
54. Flute C 18983 ▶️
55. Flute D
56. Flute E 12 other modules 21661 ▶️
57. Flute F 12 other modules 18889 ▶️
58. Flute G 14 other modules 18154 ▶️
59. Flute H 13 other modules 20326 ▶️
60. Flute I 13 other modules 21818 ▶️
61. Dulcimer 10 other modules 215481 ▶️ 90%:
Thanks for watching!
62. Halo Pad 4 other modules 29972 ▶️
63. Pizzicato 10 other modules 9400 ▶️
64. Large hit 14 other modules 9566 ▶️
65. Choir 165 other modules 12402 ▶️
66. Kettle Drum After 1 other modules 38269 ▶️
67. Strings ( w 001 001
68. Strings ( w 001 001 2 other modules 126770 ▶️ 76%:
Thanks for watching!
69. Strings ( w 001 001 1 other modules 127020 ▶️ 84%:
Thanks for watching!
70. Strings ( w 001 001 1 other modules 116995 ▶️ 90%:
TOY Noble
71. Strings ( w 001 001 7 other modules 83248 ▶️ 91%:
72. Strings ( w 001 001 2 other modules 100744 ▶️ 93%:
73. Strings ( w 001 001 2 other modules 129283 ▶️ 90%:
checked under
74. Strings ( w 001 001 2 other modules 123875 ▶️ 93%:
Thanks for watching!
75. Strings ( w 001 001 3 other modules 139236 ▶️ 93%:
na mapp
76. Strings ( w 001 001 4 other modules 145905 ▶️ 96%:
77. Strings ( w 001 001 5 other modules 65061 ▶️ 98%:
Grand image
78. Strings ( w 001 001 3 other modules 98011 ▶️ 97%:
At the end of the video!
79. Strings ( w 001 001 4 other modules 68238 ▶️ 94%:
VISS cleaning
80. Strings ( w 001 001 3 other modules 50232 ▶️ 93%:
81. Strings ( w 001 001 3 other modules 29851 ▶️ 86%:
82. Strings ( w 001 001 3 other modules 47750 ▶️ 87%:
83. Strings ( w 001 001 2 other modules 19679 ▶️
84. Strings ( w 001 001 1 other modules 29839 ▶️ 60%:


  1. Piano
  2. Harp
  3. Strings -Fluid.SF2
  4. Bass Guitar
  5. Whip
  6. Flyby
  7. Long hihat
  8. Roll in
  9. Bass Drum
  10. Rack Tom
  11. Floor Tom
  12. Closed Hat
  13. Snare
  14. Rain
  15. Violin
  16. Crash
  17. Short string
  18. Flute
  19. Oboe
  20. Dulcimer
  21. Halo Pad
  22. Pizzicato strings
  23. Slam
  24. Choir
  25. Kettle drum
  26. Twinkle
  27. Cello Stab
  28. Cello Sustain

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