Electroazure Hours (8Bit)

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.14
1091105 bytes
Song Length:
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Samples 1&2 sampled by me from Kylie Minogue - Where Has The Love Gone?
Samples 3&4 sampled by me from a TS-404 session
Samples 5,18,24,26,27,28,29,30&32 from After Hours by Elwood
Samples 6-10 from Can You Feel It by Simo Paakkanen
Samples 11&12 from Affliction by Timelord
Sample 13 from Jazz Safari by Yannis Brown
Sample 14 from Dream by MaFs
Samples 15,16&21 from Acid Dreams by Legend
Sample 17 from Voice X Theme by Voice X
Samples 19&20 from Sinus Aestuum by N'zo Iota
Samples 22&71 from LoVe Me ! by Ace-Cream
Sample 23 from Nimbus by Per Westerburg
Sample 25 sampled by me from Sash! feat. Tina Cousins - Mysterious Times
Sample 31 from Universal Dreams by The Omniscient
Samples 33&51 from Dream Trance by minomus
Samples 43,44&48 sampled by me from Kirsty Hawkshaw - Fine Day 2002 (James
    Holden Remix), Sample 48 tweaked slightly in Cool Edit
Sample 45 sampled by me from Fragma - Say That You're Here
Sample 46 sampled by me from Madison Avenue - Don't Call Me Baby
Sample 49 from A Planet Behind Us by Old Brian
Sample 52 from Dyspepsia by S0ren Gessele
Contains pattern excerpts from After Hours by Elwood

Expect more of these sorts of tracks from me in the future; they're great
to make and sometimes they can be great to listen to, too!

http://dysprosium.ionichost.com <- will be completed by late July 2003


Source Name Folder
Modland electroazure hours (8bit).it Impulsetracker/Eszt-Udiaa/
Modarchive e-u_eah8.it IT/E/e-u_eah8.it.zip
Modarchive e-u_eah8.it E-/e-u_eah8.it.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. eszt-udiaa presents 260511 ▶️
2. a dysprosium creations 260511 ▶️
3. performance venture 86639 ▶️
4. No name 86639 ▶️
5. ELECTROAZURE HOURS 24 other modules 3976 ▶️
6. No name 13 other modules 14877 ▶️
7. This was prepared as an 13 other modules 15093 ▶️
8. entry for the Morwell 11 other modules 14893 ▶️
9. Karma Push Club's "Push 11 other modules 15043 ▶️
10. Start" competition. 12 other modules 28638 ▶️
11. Typically dominated by 43 other modules 7238 ▶️
12. so-called "rock groups", 49 other modules 5194 ▶️
13. I decided to shake things 8838 ▶️
14. up a little with this 10 other modules 4438 ▶️
15. electronic number, just 67 other modules 17237 ▶️
16. for something different. 112 other modules 4426 ▶️
17. And it was worth it, if 161 other modules 32552 ▶️
18. but just from the buzz of 24 other modules 5002 ▶️
19. the crowd. I won the $60 103409 ▶️ 70%:
Thanks for watching!
20. Encouragement Award; I 63474 ▶️
21. freaked when they said I 46 other modules 12755 ▶️
22. had won it =) But the 15891 ▶️
23. main reason I entered was 3 other modules 40704 ▶️
24. simply as a crusader to 12 other modules 40498 ▶️
25. enlighten the ears of the 20063 ▶️
26. youth of the bogan town 10 other modules 19829 ▶️ 85%:
27. from which I come to the 14 other modules 76328 ▶️ 86%:
Thank you.
28. sweet sounds of the art 18 other modules 86128 ▶️ 77%:
29. of tracking. 35 other modules 23548 ▶️
30. !!! Press ShiftF9 !!! 9 other modules 10130 ▶️
31. As far as the tracks go, 301 other modules 31636 ▶️
32. the only tracks that have 28 other modules 7470 ▶️
33. and will be released 9 other modules 86883 ▶️ 91%:
Both are reminded of the
34. separate from this mix
35. are After Zero Hours and
36. Azure Skies. It's A Fine
37. Day To Talk To The Wind
38. is merely a fancy long-
39. winded way of saying
40. Intro. Danger will not
41. make it to The Mod
42. Archive. The "original"
43. version of this track 163840 ▶️
45. samples generated by 1 other modules 47329 ▶️ 79%:
Thanks for watching!
46. TS-404, recorded by Cool 21248 ▶️
47. Edit or Sound Forge, and
48. then mixed together with 42018 ▶️
49. some beats, perhaps 16544 ▶️
50. generated by DrumSynth,
51. to keep with the analog 6 other modules 30073 ▶️ 51%:
52. synth feel. I will put it 18 other modules 20698 ▶️
53. on the web page, but not
54. on The Mod Archive. And
55. as for Perigee, that's
56. merely an interlude by
57. which After Zero Hours
58. can digress to Azure
59. Skies. Like the intro, it
60. will not be seen outside
61. of this mix. So you see,
62. everything has it's
63. purpose =)
65. So if you weren't there
66. to see me in "action",
67. (live Impulse Tracker?
68. I'm not THAT good =) this
69. is your chance to get a
70. piece of the magic.
71. No name 2 other modules 24135 ▶️
72. Enjoy =)
74. (E-U) 2003
76. esztudiaa@hotmail.com
77. http://dysprosium.ionicho
78. st.com is the place to be
79. ... oh and of course The
80. Mod Archive =)
82. NOTE: All samples have
83. been reduced to 8-bit.
84. This was so I could
85. upload it onto The Mod
86. Archive. Also, the right
87. channel version of Sample
88. 43 has been removed, thus
89. making the start sound a
90. little different from the
91. original. Sorry about all
92. this; my ISP has a
93. vendetta against HTTP
94. uploads bigger than 1MB
95. =(


  1. where has the love gone
  2. where has the love gone
  3. there has the 404 gone
  4. there has the 404 gone
  5. after hours bass
  6. can you feel it 1
  7. can you feel it 2
  8. can you feel it 3
  9. can you feel it 4
  10. can you feel it crash
  11. broad echo hit
  12. vrt.pop
  13. marimba
  14. clap
  15. open hihat
  16. closed hihat
  17. low noise
  18. after hours acid
  19. sinus aestuum 1
  20. sinus aestuum 2
  21. snare
  22. bd 1
  23. crash beat
  24. after hours beat
  25. sash!
  26. after hours exclamation
  27. after hours chimes
  28. after hours sensuality
  29. after hours string pluck
  30. after hours club chord 1
  31. reverse cymbal
  32. after hours club chord 2
  33. strings
  34. strings 2
  35. kirsty hawkshaw
  36. fragma reverse cymbal
  37. madison avenue beat
  38. kirsty hawkshaw beat
  39. ride hat
  40. new life resonance
  41. azure skies beat
  42. resonated synth

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