You're sitting on pier. It is early mor-
ning. Sea rhytmically disturbs your ears.
You're alone.
Cool wind breathes creating tiny waves
on water. You can't hear nothing but sea
waves. It makes your mind clean.
You're thinking about past and future.
You could be anywhere, but not here. The
general emptyness of this place makes it
impossible. You feeling so comfortable, so
good here. You just can't leave.
You're thinking about all the world that
surrounds you, where it come from, about
each detail of it. You're thinking about
things that you've made and things that
you could make in future. You're reminding
all the bad and good - just bright moments
of your life - analysing. You're dreaming.
Nothing can stop your thoughts. But out
of nowhere you hear noise. It becomes
louder and louder. When it begins to
crush your dreams, you wondering, that sun
is shining very bright, that it is not
morning anymore, that you surrounded by a
lots of people. Now you have to leave this
place, but only until next morning...