A Sense of Wrong V2

OpenMPT 1.17 IT 8.88
1334286 bytes
Song Length:
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RoninMastaFX - A Sense of Wrong [V2.0]

Artist(s):  Mitchell "[~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX" LeBlanc

Title:  A Sense Of Wrong

Version:  v2.0.0

Filenames:  [RMFX-SenseOfWrongV2.it] & [RMFX-SenseOfWrongV2.umx]

Started on:  Sunday, December 19, 2010

Finshed on:  Monday, December 20, 2010

Upgraded on:  Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Compatible with most UE1 games (that use UMX technology)

Made with:  OpenMPT v1.18.03.00 | Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (x64) w/ 2 GB DDR2 RAM

Genre:  Techno-DNB

BPM:  170

V2.0 Fixes & Improvements:

* Fixed Aalexanderre's name's type (was missing one "r" ^^ )
* Fixed up the Artist(s) section
* Fixed all known typos within this song message  :)
* Fixed 9/10 of sync problems left in v1.0 and tweaked heavily the remaining 1/10 unsynced
notes to make them sound better and more in-beat... ^^
* Extended the song longer to fix the massive "sync catchups"...this in turn made the song
* Extended the ending part of the song and made it more epic! (imho)
* General bugfixes & oddities fixed and/or tweaked
* Added the storyline of why this song was amde a little bit of background of who I am and
* Branched the "Thank you's" section-list from the "Dedicated to" section-list to follow new
module standards (and not from the 80's up to the mid-late 90's style of crediting! ^^ )
* Added 2 new people to the "Thank you's" section-list

Samples taken from:

CoreTex - Home
Necros - Isotoxin
Michel Van Den Bos - Foregone Destruction
RaGe/Jade - NeurosiS
Deus Ex - Hong Kong Music (Alexander Brandon?)

Dedicated to:  The RoninUnrealFX Clan

Thank you's:  --=Aalexanderrr=--, EisWiesel, VRN|Shade, Lauren Taylor, UT3DOM Crew,
Dynaphase, Shivaxi, [BN]-=AV][T=-, .:MX:.MadSniper, [~]RUFX[~]Delacroix, [~]RUFX[~]RoC
(Rossi), [~]RUFX[~]SatoshiRaian (RaianTheFallen), Creavion, Smirftsch, BeyondUnreal,
PlanetUnreal, OldUnreal, UnrealSP, UT99.org & all others who I have forgotten (you know who!
;) :) )

Story of The Song:

Way back between the era of July 7, 1998 to January 24, 2001...I used to make module songs
(and have made 6 of them during this timeframe ^^ ) with my old Pentium 2 450 Mhz with 64 MB
of ramm and Windows 98 Second Edition (and a "measly" 20 GB HDD!). Needless to say, the
reason why I quit was because for some strange reason, my PC was so abd, Impulse Tracker had
problems with any module longer than 5 minutes and 1 second would crash the progam and
therefore requiring a hard reboot! I got so pissed off, I vowed never to track for a MINIMUM
of 10 years (a decade ^^). Well, that vow was broken, but only just... I have made my first
module song since January 24, 2001! Technacly this is my 7th module in total, and my first
to be made public (v1.0 doesn't even count imho! :P ). However, I think although my first
module to made in a decade...I believe V2.0 will be possible one of the best you might've
actually heard from a "technical newbie" that I am...having not composed/tracked a module in
a decade!  :D  From the bottom of my heart: Thank you...and rock on!  =)

--==RoninMastaFX Von LeNoir==--


Source Name Folder
Modarchive rmfx-senseofwrongv2.it IT/R/rmfx-senseofwrongv2.it.zip
Modarchive rmfx-senseofwrongv2.it modarchive_2010_additions/IT/R/rmfx-senseofwrongv2.it.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. Drum1 24 other modules 26070 ▶️
2. Techno1 12 other modules 62645 ▶️ 81%:
entious alot
3. Techno2 1 other modules 142331 ▶️ 66%:
4. BoomCinema 5 other modules 77389 ▶️ 60%:
5. Techno3 18 other modules 52000 ▶️ 67%:
6. Drum2 13 other modules 69810 ▶️
7. Drum3 7 other modules 113312 ▶️
8. Drum4 6 other modules 63056 ▶️
9. KickDrum 11 other modules 5739 ▶️
10. Cymbal1 12 other modules 68211 ▶️
11. Cymbal2 14 other modules 42504 ▶️
12. Techno4 25 other modules 48233 ▶️
13. Hihat1 15 other modules 5998 ▶️
14. Techno5 3 other modules 97812 ▶️ 74%:
Thanks for watching!

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster