* Empty planet *

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
1000000 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Modarchive empty_planet.xm XM/E/empty_planet.xm.zip
Modarchive empty_planet.xm E/EM/empty_planet.xm.zip
Modland empty planet.xm Fasttracker 2/LUK/coop-Ghyll/



# Name Used in Size
1. No name 2 other modules 43050 ▶️ 85%:
Ter portals
2. lizardking 112 other modules 31808 ▶️ 78%:
Thanks for watching!
3. No name 55 other modules 21300 ▶️
4. No name 22050 ▶️
5. No name 2 other modules 15752 ▶️
6. No name 3 other modules 16590 ▶️
7. No name 4005 ▶️
8. No name 2 other modules 10360 ▶️
9. 1. sample by LUK 1 other modules 8749 ▶️
10. 2. sample by LUK 1 other modules 11763 ▶️
11. 1 sample by LUK 3 other modules 22189 ▶️
12. 2 sample by LUK 3 other modules 22562 ▶️
13. 3 sample by LUK 3 other modules 23357 ▶️
14. 4 sample by LUK 3 other modules 22059 ▶️
15. 5 sample by LUK 3 other modules 27828 ▶️
16. 6 sample by LUK 9 other modules 1377 ▶️
17. No name 4 other modules 36231 ▶️
18. Fall.pcm 20240 ▶️
19. No name 3 other modules 28199 ▶️ 64%:
hardest work!?
20. No name 1 other modules 74598 ▶️ 60%:
Help me
21. No name 5 other modules 65534 ▶️
22. No name 32998 ▶️ 78%:
Thanks for watching!
23. No name 24 other modules 640 ▶️
25. No name 1 other modules 5952 ▶️
26. No name 4 other modules 1777 ▶️
27. No name 4 other modules 7882 ▶️
28. No name 1 other modules 3096 ▶️
29. mortimer 1 other modules 6749 ▶️
30. mortimer 1 other modules 6605 ▶️
31. Antom 1 other modules 4304 ▶️
32. No name 2 other modules 1985 ▶️
33. No name 17556 ▶️
34. No name 28 other modules 22002 ▶️
35. No name 25 other modules 34214 ▶️ 74%:
36. No name 32334 ▶️
37. No name 13 other modules 58852 ▶️
38. No name 39341 ▶️
39. 7 sample by LUK 12634 ▶️
40. 8 sample by LUK 5868 ▶️
41. No name 25304 ▶️


  1. Luk & Ghyll
  2. of Procreation
  3. PrEsEnts.....
  4. a music entry for
  5. Multichannel
  6. competition at
  7. A S S E M B L Y '98
  8. CaLLeD
  9. " Empty Planet "
  10. PlAyIng TimE... 3:00.
  11. SoMeDay... tHeRe
  12. will Be No Humans
  13. around ....
  14. no AniMaLs or Even
  15. plants....
  16. nO aNytHing whIcH
  17. LiVed On ThaT
  18. BeaUtiFulL PlaNeT
  19. CaLlEd EaRth......
  20. TheRe WiLL be oNlY
  21. ThE SoUnd Of Our
  22. CrEAtiONs.....
  23. CoMpuTerS AnD
  24. other MaChInEs...
  25. ThEy WilL RuLe ThE
  26. EnTiRe PlAnEt...
  27. UniVErSe...
  28. or Even MorE...
  29. So Whatch OUT
  30. for YOur
  31. PC.......
  32. MaYbE it Will Kill
  33. you
  34. in SoMe moony NiGhT.
  35. --------------------
  36. Some synthetic
  37. samples by me.....
  38. some from other
  39. musicians..like:
  40. Lizardking,KeyG,
  41. Falcon,Antom,Skaven,
  42. Mortimer,Scorpik...
  43. & others..
  44. Sorry & thanks.....
  45. --------------------
  46. Greetings go to:
  47. (in randomized order)
  48. Dominika,Nina,Rem,
  49. Falcon,KeyG,Scorpik,
  50. Raiden,PaYda,SiMon K.
  51. Bartes,Orion,Avran,
  52. Clifford M. ZyDeL,
  53. Astharoth,Vastator,
  54. Beta,Ghyll,Silver,
  55. Headsoft,MrGod,LSD,
  56. Unreal,eXTenD,SPY,
  57. Yoghurt(kefir),Weed,
  58. Basehead,Dune,Necros,
  59. Gandalf,Muzz,Phantom,
  60. Infinite,Holydrake,
  61. X-man,Orome,Optic,
  62. no12,Sir Fux,Mirec,
  63. JDC, & other i forgot
  64. to mention..... from
  65. Headsoft Software,
  66. #coders,#trax,#pixel,
  67. #demoscene.......
  68. --------------------
  69. Contact:
  70. E-mail:
  71. luk@chemnet.com.pl
  72. snail-mail:
  73. Lukasz Stasinski
  74. Z.nalkowskiej 6/15
  75. 85-866 Bydgoszcz
  76. P o l A n D
  77. --------------------
  78. (c) Lukasz
  79. Stasinski
  80. ---------------------
  81. SuMmEr TimE ' 98
  82. ---------------------

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster