By SilverSky
Length: About 2:16
Style: Piano
Again, all samples are ripped. Theres only one anyway! Sorry aboutthat,
forgot to keep a record of where everything came from.
This the first mod I have ever made that actually sounds good
(well it does to me!). Basically it is divided into three parts:
Part 1: 0-12 Window in the Dark
Part 2: 12-14 Forest
Part 3: 14-End Shining Bright
Send me comments at:
Remember I am a begginner! I know that everybody out there can make a
piece like this in a second but it took me a very long time!
I know theres some parts that sound messed up. Show me how to fix them!
In my opinion, the last part sounds the best, its also my latest creation
and, although slowly, I AM getting better.
Composed in ModPlug Tracker, sounds best in ModPlug Player.