This song is created by the tired of fighting:
| ____ | Y O M I |)=========|=========================|
|_________|_________R E C O R D S_____|) | |
) | ( / | S a M P L e M a S T e R |
| |___/ |_________________________|
) /
( ]
Title, again, by Aymes, in some way. ;)
For the Bar Wars compo #25 which is SILVER!
Hahaha, since it's the last round for the league, I actually
had to send in something spectaculair (naturally spoken)...
and HAHAHAHA I come up with something like this! Quite hilarious... :)
WHAT?! Only ONE week extra? ;)
Noo kiddin'.. but I STILL had only 5 hours (for a chiptune?? WAAAY too
less for me!!) and I was very glad with that week or else I couldn't enter.
So yeah, chip is sucking actually. :)
Sorry I just can't do chiptunes when I don't have my own samples. :)
THAT'S why I added one ... of my own.. so I had a little, *little*
inspiration. The sample added is the absolutely awesome drumloop (lame ;))
(sample 28) which automaticly gets the honour of being the largest sample
of the pack. :) (I'm proud on getting such high quality loop in a song of
less then 500kb. :D) Sample made by me but since I release it in such a crappy
tune, ye can use it .. if you find it usefull. ;)
(do not forget to tell me!! :))
Again, this tune is actually only playable in Modplug software.
Chiptunes need advanced commands I'm afraid. :)
I haven't got the time to check the competabilety,
didn't even have the time to download Winamp 2.9 beta which seems
to have improved a LOT. ;)))
(since it's not compatable with Impulse I didn't care much about the
overall volume... but it will sound distorted.)
Best playing method:
Modplug Player, linear resampling, VERY LOUD VOLUME!!! :)))
Not sick anymore! Only in my mind and after listening to this tune
for over a 100 times. NOT for my pleasure. Mainly to spare YOU.
OKay and now some unimportant blablabla you will only read
if you have nothing else to do or if yer reading and listening
and you looped the tune 8 times.
The thing is...
This propably be my last entry to Bar Wars for a loooooong while.
Maybe forever (sniff).
Therefor I just really, really want to thank all the competitors I faced
in the compo's I joined, you became legendary to me.
Maybe you don't understand WHY?! but as long I do .. it's allright.
I propably gonna miss ye all..for as far as you care. :)
Just that you know that you were great people to .. 'play' with.
And of course, ALL the people who didn't join but DID vote, thank yuu! :)
And yeah, heck, Aymes... heh I'll propably speak to ye some time again
but an official thank yuu is never evil so ... thank yuu too man!
Heaheaha! ;))))
Because this is SOOOO sad .. I tried to put emotion in this song .. but ..
I can't make emotion in chip tunes... Little Elk can.. I can't. :)
Good luck! Last time you'll hear that from me.
Greetz and take care's and farewell:
from Yomi Records
and the last command I put down was W00 ... fade out ... ....
"Hey, do you remember Bar Wars?"
"YEAH who doesn't!!"