___|___ -----------__-----------
______[(_)]______ /Sky/Knights/ __\_____/ \_____/__
* /|\ * |`--'|
The Apprentice
v 1.05 Released 12-October-2000 to my friends
v 1.05 Released 15-October-2000 to www.modarchive.com
v 1.15 Released 19-October-2000 to modarc. under apr_sky2.xm
This is my first MOD, slightly modified to become version 1.15
runtime roughly 1 min. 28 sec.
Except where noted, all samples were recorded from my Casio CTK-515
keyboard using a dubbing cable from the headphone jack and connect-
ing it to my Sound Blaster Pro's LINE IN jack (yes, it is a real
SBPro... I've got some XT's around here somewhere, too! ;^)
This is my first serious attempt at composing a mod... as I'm sure you
could have guessed, but then again, I have heard some real garbage being
passed off as music, so I guess I stand at least a CHANCE with someone out
there... (^:?
Bear in mind I have no experience in composing or even computerizing
music as I write this, so in time I ought to be pumping out some decent
This tune seems oddly familiar to me and I have no clue why... I made it
myself. It entered my head and would not leave, so I tracked it with
ModPlug Tracker 1.12.0131. If I knew a little about effects, I'd have had
better results. However, I don't have the desire to study at the moment, so
maybe my next mod will be worth the download.
I also thought about making it around 3 times as long, but my patience runs
thin sometimes and thus it did not happen, so I guess this would make a good
candidate for a T.V. show theme song or something, eh?
Let me know what you think... Any 'artist' who can't take constructive
criticism is not really an artist at heart...
The Apprentice
(And I do hope I haven't "borrowed" anyone's name here... It
just seemed a fitting name for someone who's still learning!)
Proverbs 3:1-6
Greetz are few:
--Artists I don't know and the works of theirs that I liked--
Nightbeat--"Approach"... nice work--keep it going!
(and Steadfast, and Return 2 the Dream, and...)
Jogeir Liljedahl--Whoever you are--Guitar Slinger--AWESOME--LOVED IT!
Fabian del Priore-- .aVIATORs. -- very nice track!
mcgmed@gil.com.au--Schpog (milkcaps from down under?) Productions-
-1963 Valiant... LMAO for some reason (?)
Death Adder--Phantom of the Opera---I see you, too, are a marching fan...
(this one made me wish I could sing ?;^)
--People I've never met in person--
Jeff N. G. -- Good luck with the business! <--showed me "GSlinger.MOD"
Michael L. G. -- Maybe I'll write a "Daytona" theme??!?
(And ALL the members of Yahoo! club "daytonaperformance")
Anyone know where I can find the "Day--Oh!" version of the
Banana Boat song? You know, the one from Beetlejuice...
And finally, my next mod will probably have something in it to describe
who I am... Keep watching!