
Impulse Tracker 2.14 IT 2.02
617701 bytes
Song Length:
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  ......   ....... ......   ......  ..    .. ...   ......  ......   ......

  ........ ....... ........ ....... ..    ..  .... ....... ........ ........

  ..    .. ......  ........      .. .. .....    ....    .. ........ .......

  ........ ....... ..    ..      .. ..    .. ........   .. ..    .. ..   ...

  ......   ....... ..    ..      .. ..    .. ......     .. ..    .. ..    ..


                                   iNFO  FiLe


                                -.<. iNDeX! .>..

                      1. DeathStar story

                      2. DeathStar members

                      3. Our releases

                      4. How to contact us

                      5. DeathStar distrosites

                      6. Becoming a DeathStar Distrosite



...................................-.<. 1 .>...................................

                                -.<. Story! .>..


  ........eathStar group was born in the University of Naples in November

  ..    .. 1994, when Master of Darkness (after coding some small intros on

  ........ the Amiga, a lot of time before) received a copy of Unreal and

  ......   2nd Reality and decided that coding PC demos was possible, so MoD

  made a 3Kb intro for his fidonet boss (we had no BBS yet).


  .......very now and then, in the University Computer Labs, MoD met CDS, who

  ......  was coding a nice but never completed PC-game. They discovered along

  ....... chatting to have had almost the same thoughts about PC-demos. So

  ....... both started some experiments with 2&3D graphics FX, deciding that

  a demogroup could be formed.


  ........eanwhile, MoD met FrOYd the DrOYd through fidonet: all these 3 guys

  .. .. .. attended the same university, and the same classes, but never met

  .. .. .. before! They sterted swapping disks and FtD joined as a GFX-guy,

  .. .. .. but he also was a great programmer and a musician in real life,

  so he's now one of the musician and the tool coder, too.


  ........nce they started working they decided to get a demo coded for ASM95,

  ..    .. and started looking around for more artists, so Asavaris and Ez

  ........ joined in january: they were old friends of MoD's with whom he

    ....   coded a videogame on the Amiga (nevere finished too). In april

  MoD turned on our WHQ (The HobBIT BBS) with the help of Jack Bass (sysop

  of a well known fido BBS in Naples).


   ....oon, the HobBIT BBS joined fidonet and MoD obtained the opening of

     ....  a DEMO.ITA conference by his REC). The joint with DGi happened

  ........ in june, and the HobBIT became Italy GSN HQ in december. This

  ......   helped us swapping files faster, but personal problems didn't

  let us work on demos for a while, so, once ASM95 was gone, we decided to

  present our first big demo at The Party V. But - too bad - the sucking

  organizers lost the disks (they also lost FtD's multichannel contribution)

  making us release the demo and the song independently. Just some days

  before The lame Party V, we got a new coder: AfY. Recently, after the

  brokedown of Nemesis we took their best coder: pix, who is working with

  us on our next release. FrOYd and CDS met pix at The Italian Gathering

  '96 (where we Won the fast greetings-compo with DizkBoll), this has been

  a great time and gave them the opportunity to set up and organize our

  next demo better. Infact, Claudia, our latest production, got 1st place

  at Symposium/Mekka 97!!! We're really proud of this result, even 'cause

  it was a real "takeover", since we got more than 200% of the points that

  the 2nd place got! We absolutely recommend you to download Claudia: our



...................................-.<. 2 .>..................................

                                -.<. Members .>..

  Here we are, in alpabetical order:


 . Handle             .  In real life        .  Born . Job in group          .


 . AfY                .  Gianni Frattolillo  .  1973 . Coder                 .

 . Asavaris           .  Lorenzo Canzanella  .  1974 . Gfx                   .

 . CDS                .  Carmine della Sala  .  1974 . Coder                 .

 . Ez                 .  Ezio Ponari         .  1976 . Music                 .

 . FrOYd the DrOYd    .  Giovanni Caturano   .  1971 . All Art/StillCode/Web .

 . Jack Bass          .  Paolo Polce         .  1971 . Swapping/HQ Sysop     .

 . Master of Darkness .  Lelio della Pietra  .  1974 . Coder/WHQ Sysop       .

 . pix                .  Federico Feroldi    .  1976 . Coder/Gfx/Music       .



...................................-.<. 3 .>..................................

                               -.<. Releases .>..

  Our releases, all of them available on all our distrosites/HQ.


 . Name         . Date     .  Size   . Description                           .


 . HOBBIT.COM   . 04/11/94 .    3007 . BBStro #1 (3KB). File replaced with   .

 .              .          .         . HOBB1SRC.ZIP                          .


 . HOBB1SRC.ZIP . 07/05/95 .   11801 . BBStro #1 (3KB) with assembler sources.


 . ILINKV30.ZIP . 02/01/96 .   33985 . Free Intro Linker by MoD. Release 3.0 .


 . DS-BLISS.A?? . 02/01/96 . 2744114 . Digital Bliss. Our 1st Demo.          .


 . DS-HRIDE.ZIP . 07/01/96 .  354231 . Hard Ride. S3M by FtD. Heavy Rock.    .


 . DS-DARK.ZIP  . 13/04/96 .  123764 . Dark. S3M by FtD. Backtrack.          .


 . DS-KNOW.ZIP  . 11/04/96 .  197231 . Don't Know Her. S3M by Ez. Soft Rock. .


 . DS-ASKIK.ZIP . 24/05/96 .  249234 . Asskicker. S3M by FtD & JB. Demotrack .


 . DS-BOLL.ZIP  .  1/09/96 .   78145 . DizkoBoll: *WON* TiG96 fast compo     .


 . DS-CRASH.ZIP . 14/10/96 .  385156 . CrAshable. IT by Ez. FunkyCrAshaRock  .


 . DS-CLAUD.ZIP . 19/04/97 . 4540000 . Claudia. Big Demo. 1st at Symposium 97.


 . DS-NOWHR.ZIP . 06/05/97 .  422817 . Nowhere. IT by Ez. Clubrock song. (?) .



...................................-.<. 4 .>..................................

                              -.<. Contact Us .>..

  To contact DeathStar (as group), please write to Jack Bass. If you wanna

  contact some of us, here you are our addresses:


 . Handle             . FidoNet .    DGi    .  GSN   .      e-mail           .

 .                    . 2:335/  . 68:390/11 .864:39/1.                       .


 . AfY                .  244.8  .    .7(*)  .  (**)  . dsafy@freenet.hut.fi  .

 . Asavaris           .  244.17 .    .5     .  (**)  . asavaris@netlab.it    .

 . CDS                .  244.5  .    .2     .   .2   . dscds@freenet.hut.fi  .

 . Ez                 .  244.7  .    .6     .  (**)  . ezponez@death-star.com.

 . FrOYd the DrOYd    .  244.10 .    .4     .   .3   . froyd@death-star.com  .

 . Jack Bass          .  232.0  .    .3     .  (**)  . dsjbass@freenet.hut.fi.

 . Master of Darkness .  244.0  .    .0     .   .0   . dsmod@freenet.hut.fi  .

 . pix                .  ***    .           .        . federico@logicom.it   .


 . (*) Coming soon                                                           .

 . (**) For now, send mail to 864:39/1, it will be automatically routed      .

 . (***) 2:331/204.15                                                        .


  We also have home pages at





  Our works are also avilable in the usual directories in the most famous

  demo oriented ftp sites worldwide.

  Snail mail address is:        Paolo Polce

                                Via Sigmund Freud 41

                                80138 Neaples



...................................-.<. 5 .>..................................

                             -.<. DistroSites .>..

Our distrosites are listed here... If you want your BBS to become a

DeathStar distrosite, please read next paragraph.


. Country      . Name           . Speed .   Phone no.    . Sysop             .


. Italy (WHQ)  . The HobBIT BBS . 33600 . +39-81-5563352 . MOD/DeathStar     .


. Italy        . Italtec BBS    . 33600 . +39-81-5451506 . JB/DeathStar      .


. Italy        . Rage BBS       . 28800 . +39-6-52310645 . SuperKeyby/Ritual .


. Italy        . GetAway BBS    . 33600 . +39-422-440830 . Gemini/Synt.Error .


. Norway (HQ)  . CountZero      . 28800 . +47-5512-2962  . Yitzhaq/Proxima   .


. Portugal     . Sirius-B       . 28800 . +351-96-683875 . Aphex Twin/Vandals.


. Sweden (HQ)  . Itching Desire . 28800 . +46-8-6265711  . Wiz/Tea Prods     .


. France (HQ)  . A.C.E.         . 28800 . +33-1-45887548 . Gandalf/Pulse     .


IMPORTANT: The HobBIT BBS is soon switching to ISDN (channel bundle allowed).


...................................-.<. 6 .>..................................

                    -.<. Becoming a DeathStar distrosite .>..

  If you would like your BBS to become a DeathStar distrosite/HQ, please

  consider the following things:

 a) Your BBS should be a demo-oriented BBS, best if in the DGi or GSN nets.

    Only a very few exceptions can be made to this rule.

 b) Your BBS should be opened 24h a day, with atleast a 14k4 modem.

 c) You have to create a "DeathStar" directory, with no upload/download ratio

    and no time limit (if an user hasn't enough time to download a DeathStar

    production, you should raise it to download the file[s]).

 d) You'll have to be informed about DeathStar release; that means you have an

    e-mail address and we'll advise you of new releases, or you shuld poll

    The HobBIT BBS at least once a month to see if there are news for you.

 e) Obviously you have get and make available all our releases.

  If you become a DeathStar distrosite we'll put your name and your number in

  any DeathStar release and we'll inform you of every production we're about

  to release. It should be better if you've an e-mail address, it will cost

  you a lot less...

  Okay, if you think you're the right guy to spread our files ;), please fill

  this application form and send it to dsmod@freenet.hut.fi or crash it to The

  HobBIT BBS, +39-81-5563352 (Fido 2:335/244, DGi 68:390/11, GSN 864:39/1).

  Please rename file to XXXXXXXX.APP, where XXXXXXXX is the name of your BBS.

  We'll check your request and we'll reply you within a week.

----8<------8<------8<------8<---- cut here ----8<------8<------8<------8<----




BBS Name                                [                                    ]

Is the BBS really demo-oriented?        [ ] Yes    [ ] No

                                     1. [                                    ]

BBS Phonenumbers and number          2. [                                    ]

of lines per number:                 3. [                                    ]

                                     4. [                                    ]

                                        [ ] 14k4  [ ] 16k8  [ ] 19k2  [ ] 21k6

Speed supported:                        [ ] 24k0  [ ] 26k4  [ ] 28k8  [ ] 33k6

                                        [ ] MNP   [ ] V42b  [ ] ISDN _________

                                        [ ] Other ____________________________

Flags:                                  [ ] CM    [ ] LO    [ ] HST   [ ] ZYX

                                        [ ] ISDNA [ ] ISDNB [ ] ISDNC [ ] ____

                                        [                                    ]

Networks you're in and their addresses: [                                    ]

                                        [                                    ]

Mailer Software:                        [                                    ]

BBS Software:                           [                                    ]

Do you require users to send you a

document to allow them downloading?     [ ] Yes    [ ] No

Sysop name:                             [                                    ]

Sysop e-mail address:                   [                                    ]

Sysop handle/group:                     [                                    ]

Sysop voice phonenumber:                [                                    ]

Sysop birth day:                        [                                    ]

                                        [                                    ]

Sysop mail address:                     [                                    ]

                                        [                                    ]

                                        [                                    ]

Notes of interest:                      [                                    ]

                                        [                                    ]

----8<------8<------8<------8<---- cut here ----8<------8<------8<------8<----



Source Name Folder
Modland nowhere.it Impulsetracker/Ez/



# Name Used in Size
1. 1st guitar 33 other modules 39986 ▶️
2. 2nd guitar 28 other modules 43138 ▶️
3. 3rd guitar 38 other modules 42280 ▶️
7. bassdrum 52 other modules 4014 ▶️
8. tom4 25 other modules 9078 ▶️
9. xilo.smp 44 other modules 21048 ▶️
12. splash 16 other modules 10036 ▶️
14. ridecymbal 158 other modules 16878 ▶️
17. guitar1 do 4 other modules 16758 ▶️
18. guitar2 do 2nd octava 3 other modules 29258 ▶️
19. guitar3 do 3rd octava 3 other modules 30195 ▶️
20. piano 5 other modules 48039 ▶️
24. bass 72 other modules 3978 ▶️
25. crash(able) :-) 495 other modules 33600 ▶️
28. No name 4 other modules 28115 ▶️
29. hihat c 170 other modules 1396 ▶️
30. hihat o 143 other modules 8360 ▶️
31. No name 13090 ▶️ 79%:


  1. .Ez/DeathStar.
  2. proudly presents
  3. -* NOWHERE *-
  4. -------------
  5. dedicated to the memory
  6. of Soundgarden (1984-97)
  7. -
  8. Greetz:
  9. @FrOYd
  10. (panning support and
  11. precious advices)
  12. @Flo
  13. (my loveful girlfriend)
  14. @It-Alien
  15. @Matley/TBT
  16. (unmistakable support)
  17. @Dad
  18. @Sister
  19. (listening)
  20. @DeathStar
  21. (CDS MoD Asavaris pix)
  22. @#demo-ita
  23. (Nabo FBY Dixan Freeman
  24. *!*/TBT and so on)
  25. @OttaoPPao
  26. (JJFlash Oesse Daduorf
  27. Will Bloved)
  28. How to contact me:
  29. ezponez@death-star.com
  30. ezdstar@tin.it
  31. www.logicom.it/deathstar
  32. (c) 1997

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster