B0y Meet$ Girl
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 477492 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 10
- Channels:
- 26
- Song Length:
- 19
- Samples:
- 12
- Instruments:
- 67
- Patterns:
- 18
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 443
- SHA1:
- 4fc9d8c2f6939b708a03649035011d3e4f8a86cc
- MD5:
- 0c0fb82f036184f5856c98d7dd2fc0f3
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
boymgirl.xm |
XM/B/boymgirl.xm.zip |
Modarchive |
boymgirl.xm |
B/BO/boymgirl.xm.zip |
Modland |
b0y meet$ girl.xm |
Fasttracker 2/The Mech/ |
- J/M/T/M Pre$ent$:
- "Boy Meet$ Girl"
- FILE INF0 * * *
- $tyle: Electr0nica
- Length: 3:43
- Date: 2004.03.21
- $0mewhere 0ut there
- i$ a b0y wh0 i$ very
- l0nely, in fact $0
- l0nely that he walk$
- t0 the 0cean and
- p0nder$ $uicide....
- A$ he'$ $tanding at
- cliff 0f which he'$
- planning t0 jump fr0m
- he feel$ the $alty
- $pray 0f the $ea in
- hi$ hair & 0n hi$ face
- and he decide$ t0
- make the jump after
- all, $uddenly a v0ice
- behind him $ay$:
- "d0n't d0 it, it w0uld
- be $uch a wa$te"
- He turn$ ar0und t0
- find a girl l00king at
- him, he a$k$ her
- "what d0 y0u kn0w
- ab0ut my pr0blem$?!"
- The girl replie$ with
- a $mile 0n her face:
- "I wa$ $tanding here
- r0ugly a year ag0 and
- thinking the $ame a$
- y0u are thinking right
- n0w, then a v0ice t0ld
- me that a b0y w0uld
- c0me here 0ne year
- later and $ave me
- fr0m my$elf"
- The b0y l00k$ at the
- girl and $he giggle$
- He a$k$ why and $he
- ju$t giggle$ m0re and
- run$ away, he f0ll0w$
- her and the re$t...
- well y0u figure it 0ut
- , the event$ are in
- the $0ng after all...
- [END]
- if y0u have any kind
- 0f c0mment$ mail me at
- the_mech@hotmail.com