This song was done for my application into pHluid. I've only put
four hours into it...but I think i used those 4 hours rather wisely.
There is an odd transition for some towards the end of the song..but I
think it's somewhat unique with the rest of the song, and hopefully is
enjoyable...along with the rest of the song. Basically this is a very
inspired inspirational song I suppose. It gave me alot of inspiration
throughout. Kind of like an on-going journey throughout life...not
allowing anything to get in the way of your goal. Anywho..I hope you
enjoy it.
Time - Approximately 8 minutes 9 seconds long.
Physical Channels - 30
Virtual Channels - 12
Sample Credits - Astradyne, Acell, Smash, stereoman, one of the groovy
compo sample packs, myself, and a couple others to whom I forget
currently. If your sample is in here and you have not been
mention..please contact me and i'll give you the proper credit.
Exodus - You had a good part in getting me into tracking. I thank you
Dark.eader - If it were not for you...I'd still just be listening to mods
and s3ms. Thanx to you, I have opened my world to new horizons, and new
musical experiences.
Kobb - Thanx for takening me into skism...I'm glad i was able to help out
were I could.
Formeldahyde - Even though I never really did anything for one..since it
collapsed right as I got there...I still thank you...if it weren't for
you..i wouldn't have run into kobb and skism.
Troll - I appreciate all the help that you've given me with comments and
tips on some things to do with my songs...I appreciate it. I also
appreciate you giving me a chance with CSR.
Acell - I've finally gotten out of my slump of writting music. Hopefully
you will shortly as well. I thank you very much for help with my
music..and the co-op song we did. Hopefully there shall be many more of
those co-op ventures in the near future.
kX^mode - I must as well thank you. You've helped me out on a couple
songs..with different things..and an enjoyable experience in working with
you. I shall enjoy future endevors with you.
all others..mrzero,sv,sub,nihilmystic,nadia,aksen,pHluid(for inspiration),
necros - basehead and the rest of FM, CSR, SKiSM, and the rest of the 7th
Perspective crew.
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