Flourishing Magic

unknown (0891) IT 8.88
217275 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


 |                                                                    |
 |  Saga Musix and bacter present: Flourishing Magic (3:31)           |

Welcome to OpenMPT! This little tune was  written  for  the  OpenMPT  1. 28
example song  competition.  This OpenMPT version  is  the first to  support
emulation of the OPL3 FM synthesis chip, which can now be  used  as  a  new
built-in sound source. The reason why this emulation was added  to  OpenMPT
is that the wide-spread S3M format supports FM  synthesis,   although  this
feature was note widely used in the past. Now OpenMPT  can  play  such  S3M
files as well, and in addition the MPTM format was upgraded to  support  FM
synthesis as well.
As a result, you can now find a nice mixture of S3M and  MPTM  files  among
the OpenMPT example songs making use of this new feature. I hope  that  you
enjoy this new feature and the new sonic possibilities a lot.

 -Saga Musix, 23rd of December 2018


This work is (c) 2018 by Saga Musix and bacter  and  is  licensed  under  a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Track information:
- Started on the 24th of August 2018.
- Finished on the 23rd of December 2018.
- Released as part of the OpenMPT 1.28 release package.

Please use OpenMPT 1.28+ to play this track.
Earlier versions do not support FM instruments.


You can contact me via e-mail at info@sagamusix.de.
If you want to chat with me...
- Jabber: sagamusix@s3m.it (preferred)
- ICQ: 324324485
- EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez
  (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga)
- IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht
  (Nick = Saga_Musix)

Feel free to visit my websites as well:
- https://sagamusix.de/ - Here you can download all my music, free
  samples and other stuff. (German and English)
- https://sagagames.de/ - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free
  games and applications and other stuff.
- https://openmpt.org/ - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :)


Sample credits:

The source of the samples are indicated in the filename of the samples.
- XV-5080: Sampled from my Roland XV-5080
- kb6: From the kb6 drum samples collection

Take care!


Source Name Folder
Modarchive bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_flourishing_magic.mptm MPTM/B/bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_flourishing_magic.mptm.zip
Modarchive bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_flourishing_magic.mptm modarchive_2018_additions/MPTM/B/bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_flourishing_magic.mptm.zip
Modland flourishing magic.mptm OpenMPT MPTM/Saga Musix/coop-Bacter/



# Name Used in Size
1. Bleeps 12 ▶️
2. Bleeps 12 ▶️
3. d:\INS\BASS1A.sbi 12 ▶️
4. BASSFLP2 12 ▶️
5. BASSSYN2 12 ▶️
6. BELLQUIR 12 ▶️
7. d:\ins\EG1.sbi 12 ▶️
8. dro2midi_008 435 other modules 12 ▶️
9. el-trum 12 ▶️
10. el-trum detune 12 ▶️
11. TeknoSoloVox 3 other modules 27244 ▶️
12. SampleThe80s 3 other modules 35963 ▶️
13. Mondo_K 3 other modules 7883 ▶️
14. Open_H5 3 other modules 10222 ▶️
15. Clsd_H5 3 other modules 5165 ▶️
16. Vibslap 3 other modules 9535 ▶️
17. R8Snare07 4 other modules 9457 ▶️
18. R8Tom08 3 other modules 11111 ▶️
19. R8Crash01 3 other modules 39333 ▶️
20. R8Flex 3 other modules 17745 ▶️
21. R8Spark 5 other modules 15012 ▶️
22. R8Shaker 3 other modules 3029 ▶️
23. harmonca.sbi 435 other modules 12 ▶️
24. harmonca.sbi 435 other modules 12 ▶️
25. Sparkle 12 ▶️
26. Xylo 12 ▶️
27. TR-808Clap01 6 other modules 6462 ▶️
28. clavecin.sbi 435 other modules 12 ▶️
29. elecvibe.sbi 435 other modules 12 ▶️
30. square 435 other modules 12 ▶️
31. FM Breathy 435 other modules 12 ▶️
32. Twang 435 other modules 12 ▶️
33. d:\ins\EG1.sbi 12 ▶️
34. Twang 435 other modules 12 ▶️
35. Simple 435 other modules 12 ▶️


  1. Deep Bass
  2. Analog Bass
  3. Fresh Bass
  5. EG1
  6. Dune2_Menu_PadAcid
  7. The Classic FM Trumpet
  8. The Classic FM Trumpet DT
  9. TeknoSoloVox
  10. SampleThe80s
  11. Bass Drum
  12. Open Hat
  13. Closed Hat
  14. Vibslap
  15. Snare
  16. Tom
  17. Crash
  18. Flexatone
  19. Spark
  20. Shaker
  21. Harmonica
  22. Harmonica Detune
  23. Sparkle
  24. Xylo
  25. Clap
  26. clavecin.sbi
  27. elecvibe
  28. square
  29. Twang
  30. EG1
  31. Wobble Up
  32. Wobble Up and Down
  33. Simple

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster