Fresh Start
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 600000 bytes
- BPM:
- 170
- Speed:
- 4
- Channels:
- 12
- Song Length:
- 31
- Samples:
- 27
- Instruments:
- 70
- Patterns:
- 82
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 973
- SHA1:
- b85dffe4922f095e4af62ccc1f898a516495f35a
- MD5:
- 4629726f1ea8c3cfaa624c677e826e1d
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
xm_fresh.xm |
XM/X/ |
Modarchive |
xm_fresh.xm |
X/XM/ |
Modland |
fresh start.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Jab/ |
# |
Name |
Used in |
Size |
1. |
Ride |
52427 |
2. |
3. |
@ ??? |
4. |
Snare |
7813 |
5. |
6. |
@ Jab |
7. |
Dokk |
19156 |
8. |
9. |
@ Jab |
10. |
Tambourine |
11062 |
11. |
12. |
@ Jab |
13. |
Cymbal.crash |
74804 |
14. |
15. |
@ Jab |
16. |
Bass |
11876 |
17. |
18. |
@ ??? |
19. |
Sine |
1183 |
20. |
21. |
@ Zipp |
22. |
Piano |
44249 |
23. |
24. |
@ ??? |
25. |
Rhodes |
77066 |
26. |
27. |
@ Zipp |
- ______________________
- - Fresh Start -
- by
- Jab / XM
- ______________________
- Duration : 2:46
- Made with FT2
- and Sb64
- ______________________
- Aaaaahhh jeess.
- Nice little jammin'
- music.
- Makes you wanna
- move with the rhythm.
- eh ??
- ______________________
- I used to hate jazz,
- but now...
- rules.
- ______________________
- Please send comments
- to :
- m
- ______________________
- Phew. Finally some of
- the samps are mine.
- Feel free to use
- them. Of course it
- would be nice if you
- could remember to
- _____________________-
- credit me, but
- i think i can forgive
- if i'm not credited.
- I know it's soooo
- hard.
- ______________________
- Greets to :
- Astral / XM
- R.Annala / FHP
- Norfair / FM
- Zipp
- ______________________
- Wanna join XM ??
- Contact me or
- Santeri.pilli@