#################### - -
#####....#...#...### - wouter van leeuwen presents -
#####. .. .. .### - justin's brewery -
####. . . .### - -
####. ,. ,. ,#### - length: 1'37/loop -
####. .. .. .#### - genre: three hour compo -
###. ,. ,. .#### - -
###. . . ,##### - soundcloud.com/woutervleeuwen -
###,,,,,,,,,,,.##### - wouter van leeuwen 2018 -
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-. This module was made as part of a weekly three-hour contest
in my Tracker Music Discord server! The idea of the competition
is that everyone who wants to enter creates a samplepack con-
sisting of 9 different samples. Then at the start of the com-
petition, every participant receives a completely random
samplepack from the pool and is tasked to create a module in
three hours using only the samples from the pack.
-. If you're interested to check out the Discord and join
any future contests, then you can use the link below to join.
If it doesn't work, check my TMA bio for an updated link!
-. Shoutouts to everyone who participated: jnz, abledbody,
Dippy, Plastiware, fuzion_mixer, and Uberphawx (who made the
samplepack used for this module).