By: Shudder /yoe.
Playing Length: 2:25
Writing Length: About 2 month and a week (my computer broke down
in the middle, and it took me two month to figure
out i need a new computer.)
Samples: lots of people, names in the filename of every sample.
Additional: is from now on a (c) (tm) (r) of Tomer Baruch
(including the word additional! you can still say
additional but from now on you owe me 1.95$ every time
you do. And don't try to cheat, i'm counting!)
To hear this tune properly: Use It206+, Gus-PNP (interwave) or
CLEAN head-phones (like mine) or
head-phones like the one Thalja have
(bigger, blacker, cooler, stereoer
cleaner, softer, comfortabler head-
phones. :(, not fair, he's a soundman)
use avg bass + TONS OF VOLUME!!
(it is very important you won't use too
much bass)
Greets: ok, super-short greeting list. People i really like talking
- Nuclear Waste (usually)
- Dark Spirit, DJ Crazy, Sound Virus (the school "music squad" :)
- Scroll Lock, CruncH, pi, Thalja and all my beloved group members :)
- Thor (coolest)
- Erise (I said i will didn't i? :)
- Astrid, ami, Mickrip, DD (the only dudes in saw in the irc in the
last two month when i had to call from my school in weird hours)
- Cruel Creator (no comment)
- All the irc friends i had before my computer broke down and now
prolly don't remember me.
- Mental Trip.
- Jonny.
- All my friends who doesn't have nicknames.
Worship list: (people whom i just love)
- Necros (who else)
- Purple Motion (aka god)
- Skaven (oh you wonderful finnish sample source :)
- Chris Jarvis (talking of sample sources)
- Dune (wow)
- Siren (guy of the ballads)
- Big Jim (reminds me of myself! (yeah right) )
- Lemmy! (Piano-man :)
- Mellow-D (NOT!! YUCK! BWACHS!! AWWGHHFUY %#$^!*!@$%^!)
- Pulse (the maker of this faboules tracker. the answer to our prays.
the only guy i put here mostly for being a coder)
and thats it.
Shudder /yoe.
(C) Tomer Baruch 1996
e-mail:shudder@misgav.galil.k12.il (i hope it will work)
p.s. if you think this is alot of text go see dark spirit's tune
"the knight of time."
p.s.2. This tune was disqualified at mov96 multy channel compo.
Lets see you figure out why.
(clue: its not because of the level of the tune.)